
I’ve had the opposite experience, both the schools I’ve worked in have had full time nurse. But they were both K-8 charter schools, so I wonder if that had something to do with it? But none of the high schools I’ve gone into have had nurses, I guess they assume that the kids are old enough to actually handle

Fucking depressing.

I think it was the year before last, but in Philly a young girl literally died in school because she had an asthma attack and no one knew how to help beyond calling 911. The district had a huge deficit and had one nurse between multiple schools. It was horrible.

That’s how it was when I lived in Georgia, so I’m assuming statewide.

Yes and yes. They usually don’t have them in high schools but for elementary and middle school yes. Especially when you have kids that need to take daily meds and what not.

I was always told Grey’s didn’t get fuzzy until around season 5. It’s downfall for me though was the move from Sunday nights to Thursdays. I still haven’t forgiven them.

Don’t feel bad! The same thing happened to me. My family still doesn’t get how I live in one of the world largest cities and have made maybe 4 friends over 3 years.

This has been my exact feeling about the whole thing and it’s all because of the Benghazi hearing. Hillary handled it like a boss and I don’t know if Bernie would have been able to handle it as well as she did. My other issue is that I view Bernie in the same way I view 2008 Obama, a lot of huge ideas that will be

Natalie Nunn? Count me in. I don’t know why, but I have too much respect for her.

I know this episode existed but I feel like the aired it as rarely as possible because I never got to see it!

That happened this past season and a lot of people have already given up, so a lot of people don’t know about it.

How are their bras? Are they worth it? I bought some of their underwear a few weeks ago (the sale got me) and I’m very happy with them, but I wanted a recommendation before I try the bras.

I lasted 15 minutes. 10 of which was spent answering questions. I’m calling it progress.

So I created and OK Cupid profile in July, filled it all out...and have yet to log back in. I’m “voluntary” snowed in and considering going back to the profile and checking it out. I’m just worried I’ll get frustrated with the whole thing and give up. We’ll have to see.

I love the new Star Wars! I’ve seen it twice. John Boyega has a bright BRIGHT future ahead of him.

I’m still at the hunker down and find a therapist stage. Good on you for getting it under control!

I was in 8th grade when he was elected for his second term as governor of Florida. Comparing Governor Jeb to presidential candidate Jeb leads me to believe he’s only doing this because dad told him to.

See if you school has a department/office for it. If not, most areas have some sort of women’s center in the area, you might have to do a little digging to find it though.

I think Creed (picture, director, and actor) and Staright Outta Compton (best picture) were the biggest snubs-especially when they only nominated 8 movies for best picture when there’s room for 10.

Yeah, I only watched the first one so I could actually get a feel for Bernie. The debates themselves don’t weigh as much for me like they did in ‘08.