
I’m on MTA-so that’s always been apart of my budget. If I were driving this wouldn’t be an issue because it would only be around 30 minutes.

That’s my thing, I live in NYC and I love my apartment. I like it’s location, my rent hasn’t gone up more than $100 in the two years I’ve lived here, and the building is great. You don’t get rid of good apartments here.

That’s what I used to have. I chose my apartment because it was a 20 minute walk to my previous job.

My commute is on the subway-so there’s that. I’ll make sure to work on the weight gain part.

Yo Jezzies. I’m drinking hot chocolate (I plan on moving to wine later) and watching Sons of Anarchy-my new binge watch show. I also finally saw The Force Awakens today and loved it-Abrams did good.

I went looking for this when I went home for the holidays and was so disappointed they were still out of commission. Their Homemade Vanilla has a special place in my heart. Get it together guys!

I actually wasn’t surprised at how good it was. This was the same park that made the Spider-Man ride, so seeing that Hogwarts and Gringotts were cut from the same cloth made me happy.

It’s the white version of the Wire for me in that you see how the criminal enterprise works.

I’m drinking wine and marathoning Vanderpump rules. I finished S1 of Sons of Anarchy-which was awesome-last week and needed something light and fluffy before I start S2 next week.

I was there on Monday! And I feel the same-Hogsmeade was a lot more fun. Also, the whole one entrance thing was a bad idea-especially worse with the Christmas crowds.

You know, sometimes we over think things...I’ll leave it at that.

Good to know. I’ll stick to Self then.

My uncle lives in Puerto Rico and was filling us in all the strangeness. He’s in the military (not active duty anymore, but works on base) and was born in South Carolina, but since his primary residence is PR he can’t vote (only for primaries, not the big elections). It’s pretty crazy to me.

Never been a women’s health girl. Is it any good?

Off to the Twitter rabbit hole. I had wondered where the baby name critiques disappeared to.

I missed this. What happened? Was she in the one of the many rounds of writers leaving this past year?

In reference to number 2: when I was quitting diet soda, I first moved to flavored waters and then seltzers and then eventually I was (mostly) cold turkey. Seltzers were a big help.

I’m super pro weight watchers. I just rejoined after moving to a new town and getting off track. I miss going to meetings-those were my favorite parts.

Not juicy, but still funny: my birthday is a few days after new year’s, so I always combine my new years resolutions/birthday wishes. The past two have been The Year of Zero Fucks Given (25) and The Year of Not Doing Shit I Don’t Want to Do (26). Both have been raging successes. The upcoming year is probably going to

If one parent objects to implantation, don’t use them.