
Which is sad. The first time I heard about MRA’s they actually were about men’s issue, then it turned into attacking feminists.

I’ve never been to Gillette stadium, but is it common that the coaching staff has to go through fan areas to get places? That seems like a bad idea....

I actually like comparing the two a lot. I’ve also started watching Young and Hungry which is the west coast version of broke and the spectrum of broke 20-something women is fascinating.

A friend pointed out something interesting about that: I mentioned that my mom was always pro getting on birth control once you hit college, but she never mentioned anything other than the pill. A friend found it interesting that she was so for birth control, but chose not to consider any other methods.

Reading through the comments on that article and some people are ma-aa-adddd. I always find it funny when we get mad about the strides made in allowing women to regulate their reproductive organs.

Sure, but I’d double check with your doctor still just to make sure that’s alright for the type of pill you’re using.

I’d take 500 Days of LC over Kristen any day. Lauren has some intelligence and sense. Kristin on the other hand...

The pill I was on, you could just skip the placebos and move into the next month. My gyno told me to take the placebos every 3 months though to have breakthrough bleeding , but other than that, you can be on the pill and skip periods.

IUD’s are still trying to live down the Dalkon Shield legacy. The first time I even learned what one was, my teacher followed the definition by explaining that, because of what happened to women who used the Dalkon Shield, IUD’s were considered an obscure method only used by a few. They didn’t even come on my radar

I know she probably has zero rights to Buffy, so she couldn’t do this, but I’d like to see her do something like what Geena Davis did (she does a lot research on gender ration in media), only with a Buffy TVS. Like, she could host conferences and what not on women in the media and have an organization that sponsors

Her job is literally a physical activity that she has to do all day. She’s allowed to be tired people-use common sense.

Well of course there are things that come easier to us! You know, fun stuff like getting arrested for standing around or driving their cars. We do have SOME advantages. /s

Girl, get your baby and run like hell.

My only issue with that is I don’t think it would be a “little suffering”, it would be a lot of suffering and it would throw us into a flux. Can you imagine him in office with the Republican controlled Congress. I’m all about whipping the GOP into shape, but that seems like the nuclear option to me, and as a country

I wouldn’t be surprised though if they get some early treatment just for security reasons. She has to deal with another few years of Secret Service so that might weigh in.

Depends on your area though. I’m in NYC and yellow taxis are non-existent in my borough, so I use livery cars.

This is just as bad as the panel they had on birth control that lacked women.

Hold up. This woman is mad that a science oriented book explains the anatomy of women and the crude medical practices people used back in the old days before advanced technology?

That’s what gives me pause-she appears to have done everything right here. It looks like she went through the right loops to get her accommodation and another coworker mucked it up. What’s interesting is that the airline basically reneged on that.