Cylontater: Bowling Green Survivor

Megyn Kelly Wardrobe Wall - 9/25/17-11/07/17

TWO women in red!

‘some asshole I have to work with’

“My visit to Japan and friendship with PM Abe will yield many benefits, for our great Country. Massive military & energy orders happening+++!”

I want to give the person who screamed “open concept sucks” at the property brothers a medal. I have already told my spouse, when it comes time to house buying, I hate open concept with a fiery passion. I want a huge kitchen. Massive. The size of my fucking apartment right now. And I want doors and walls around it so

OMG i didnt even notice the woman in red ...

They left out the part where she gets pregnant and they have baby and this is really just Vanilla wish fulfillment but like when you scoop vanilla out from a neapolitan mix and get a little bit of chocolate on the side.

I laugh at this movie’s attempts to be “kinky”! HA!

She should write it down and make millions then. EL James is rich as fuck.

Reading eh? How risque and wild!

I have this neighbor in her late 40's that turns everything around and makes it innuendo. She always talks about bubble baths and wine and reading and how no man can handle her. You get it... I feel like this is what goes on in her mind.

That is sad but sadly not uncommon.

Gah, I love these horrible movies. Pretty, smutty, low stakes. Exactly what the doctor ordered in these exhausting times.

How unfortunate, when will people learn that being gay is not a choice. Why would someone willingly choose to be discriminated against?

Imagine how hard that must have been though?

When is it an allowable age to accept one’s sexual or non-sexual preference as a parent?

On the other hand, at least the father is black. If he were white, then it would just be an isolated mental health issue. But since he’s black, George Will/David Brooks/Some Idiot can write a thoughtful piece about violent, homophobic thoughts inside the black community, and reference a bad joke made by Tracy Morgan

Here’s a crazy idea: if you hate your son/daughter/wife/girlfriend so much that you never want to see them again.... disown them and never see them again.

That quote.....I’m disgusted that’s how people think.

And this is just one of the reasons why I do not fault any Black woman, including the current Miss USA, for not identifying with feminism. Over at Jezebel, many of the comments when this murderer was charged were, “How come a white woman can’t murder a Black person? White men do it all the time!” They cared nothing