I thought it was somewhat interesting. *shrugs*
I thought it was somewhat interesting. *shrugs*
Re: McCabe and the senate intelligence hearing.
Fortunately for our democracy, there are checks and balances that keep the President honest. Russian checks and Cayman Island balance sheets.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, yes.
She’s gonna take Spicer’s job until she gets tired of being laughed at or until Trump gets tired of her being laughed at.
How Ripa really feels
I once met a man who claimed to have invented the Cell-Phone mirror - as in a mirror attached to a cell-phone. Also, he claimed to have been the inventor of the cell-phone stop watch and the cell phone flashlight. He spent a small fortune on suing Nokia and Siemens because supposedly they stole his inventions. He then…
Who is Paris Hilton?
One day, the kids will see the movie and ask, “Did it really happen like that?” And we will shake our heads sadly and explain that, no, it was so much stupider.
I cannot look at that without hearing “waka waka waka” in my head.
I was on the Metro last summer and a gentleman got on and sat in a seat very close, but perpendicular to me. He appeared to be military...great shape, in a pair of khaki shorts and a polo shirt (very respectable) and carrying what appeared to be a gym bag. He could have just stepped out of the shower into fresh…
The director of the Census Bureau is stepping down amid a steep funding shortage, which is...bad!
“Jon Hamm’s penis is about the size of an obese hamster.”
1.) CNN was reporting last night that nobody in the administration expected the political blowback that occurred 0.4 seconds after the country found out about Comey’s firing. HOW? Did they honestly think that we’d all go, “Oh. Yes. Trump is clearly firing him because he was mean to Hilz. Makes sense to me.” Nobody in…
Thanks, that’s great. I’d like the file on the Trump campaign and the Russian government, when you have a moment.
Duh, we’ve all watched spongebob. 🙄
Did you know scallops can swim??
Looking at that top picture, Jdepp is starting to get the face he deserves.
Uncomfortable television makes me physically itchy, so I will not watch this, but the recap was a delight. Thank you, Bobby. :)
Pro tip, everyone: Don’t fry in olive oil because it has too low a smoke point. Use peanut or canola oil to fry so you don’t stink up your apartment and set off the smoke detector.