I am with Martha.
I am with Martha.
I personally know about a guy who didn’t have insurance because my stupid state didn’t expand Medicaid. He ignored the signs of being pretty sick because his only option was the ER and he’d already been there a lot recently and couldn’t afford it.
I keep seeing that people are like all over Beyonce for her swollen lips, like she got injections. They did the same thing to Kim Kardashian. I don’t get it. It didn’t happen to me, but the swelling in the lips and nose (which both of them have/had swollen noses, too!) happened to my twin sister and is so common in…
The first time I saw Overboard I laughed so hard I started to cry because I couldn’t laugh any harder. I love her. Period.
I cry every freaking time. Mr. Penguin is all “What, did you think she was gonna live this time?”. He just doesn’t understand what powerful acting is in that film to make me bawl time and time again.
I refer to Gandhi on this one. “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike him.”
Just commented something along these lines.
You mean Jesus DIDN’T say “Fuck the sick, hoard ur money”?????????!!
Look at that Jesus-y bitch wearing her cross as if she is not acting in direct contravention of Jesus’s teachings.
Reposting from another article:
Fuck fucking all of them, and don’t get me started about the sick irony of that tiny cross on her necklace.
Trump looks like a political cartoonist drew him, thought the caricature was too exaggerated, crumpled the sketch into a ball and threw it away. Later, under deadline, he said “Eh, fuck it, good enough” fished the sketch out of the wastebasket, smoothed it out with his hands and sent it in.
Or maybe just don’t smoke in any public bathrooms anywhere. Other people have asthma, allergies ect and also would like to take a piss without smelling like an ashtray at the end.
I saw those photos and was genuinely like...you get hand picked by designers to go to one of the fucking fanciest parties in the country and you go and snap selfies and smoke in the bathroom like you are at a fucking rave. What is that?
“the ultimate form of child abuse.”
Is it impossible for these people to speak about abortion without revealing their contempt for women, or do they choose not to?
Any man who speaks about abortion should have to provide at least 5 referral letters from real women who he has spent more than 20 minutes with and at least one romantic partner. Also they need to be able to point out he essential parts of lady anatomy otherwise SHUT UP
This bill is going to kill us all.
Caring about other people is enough to get you labeled hysterical these days? Sign me up.