sip the juice

I often go into character builds thinking I’m gonna have them married but then I start the Dawnguard stuff and this whole will-they-won’t-they thing starts (purely in my imagination) with Serena and I worry I’m gonna X-Files my save file if I end up with her (I can’t remember whether this is an option modded in or

I chose werewolf with two different characters, then immediately forgot I was a werewolf and never changed into one over an absurd amount of subsequent hours of play :/

Yeeeeeah, I thought about marrying Aela, but decided I didn’t want a wife who’d shed all over the furniture.

Not saying you specifically. Saying that Hillary/DNC should not have rigged the primary. Bern would be up 25 points by now.

It is still ridiculously FUCKED UP and if I choose to act like it isn’t that just makes me a dumbass, honestly.


it’s too bad that five guys fries are just awful. having more doesn’t make up for a lack of quality. i may get less at mcdonald’s, but at least what i do get sets the bar.

Saw Title.

Dave, thank you for doing this. From our conversations, I have a sense of how much time you spent on this. I believe your aim was true and your heart was pure. As I read this, I am both angry and sad. Sad for what happened to my friend. Angry that I only knew of her condition after she had passed, when it was too late

Oh, I am familiar with the history. (As the idiots in the armed forces who chose to invade Afghanistan should have been.) The fact that other, more established empires have been brought to their knees in Afghanistan doesn’t make me think any better of the US for being the latest in a string of willful fools.

I’m so ready to see whoever runs against the president in the next election walk away with it. This will be our first 1 term prez since Bush Sr.

The left are the ones protesting. I’m not sure why you’re conflating Hillary Clinton of all people with the left.

No. It has nothing to do with safety. It’s an infraction concerning conduct that interferes with discipline and orderliness. She was being punished, not treated, observed, or protected. And it’s fucking barbarous.

Yes, the well known and totally successful ‘stabilisation’ of Afghan. Also I’d like a citation on the lives lost. Only lives I can tell who were lost were those civilians mowed down by the biggest terrorists on the planet. The US army.

Such a terrible shame to lock up and terrorize a woman who uncovered war crimes and changed the course of history on the United States’ illegal war in Iraq.

I like how bigots have moved to calling it narcissistic to protest against institutionalized racism.

If Britain and the US took these refugees, this story wouldn't exist.

She used the “putting Trump in the White House” shaming of third party voters. That is disgusting. Samantha is smarter than that and knows better. The Democratic Party does not stand for my ideals. I will not support them for President. I will vote down-ticket for them, but I will either abstain from the President