
I hope they let him race at the Tokyo Olympics and continue talking shit to people who can’t beat him.”

Also, did fat Thor steal past Thor’s hammer? Won’t he need that? Isn’t that the hammer that he “now” won’t have for Hela to destroy? What am I missing?

Those structurally patriarchal “authorities” fail women as a matter of course, yet you say trust them. You have some biases and blind spots to work on.

I’m tired of giving Trump supporters and their signs and MAGA hats, etc. any benefit of the doubt, ever. Of course they’re not all white supremacists, but they’ve shown that they’re comfortable with racism and most other kinds of intolerance, and they need to be called on it at any opportunity.

WWE (not a sport!) makes the cut but not hockey? That’s some bullshit right there.

I doubt that all the white wrestlers in the league have short hair. How rules (and laws) are applied is often low-key (or explicitly) racist. So, so much in America comes down to race. People who deny that are usually the empowered, or racists.

Is it really a happy ending?

I tried this on twitter yesterday. Where are you on “hone in on”? It should be “home.” There’s no such thing as a honing pigeon.

Do you read? There’s a reason “Uncle Tom” became a pejorative term. He tried to please his masters and was punished. Read Wright’s “Uncle Tom’s Children.”

Are you kidding? Trump has a well-established history of racism that he inherited, like his money, from his father. This may be the least debatable accusation to make against him.

I never talk pejoratively about class warfare. If that’s what it takes, bring it on.

This. I work at a private school that started saying the Pledge before morning assembly after 9/11. No way in hell can we stop now, and no one dares remain seated. The Pledge is kind of un-Amercan anyway. Confident democracies should not need loyalty oaths.

Does anyone else wish that Petkanas had been able to muster something stronger than an effete sounding “how dare you”?

Why should overpowered cars be legal? There aren’t many products whose advertised properties (e.g. 500 hp) are illegal to actually use.

Didn’t some Patriots skip the visit? Why take this stand now. Apologies if someone else has made this point.

Why can’t the fact that he has aligned himself with a racist wannabe autocrat, and seems to have a history of racism himself, erase any lingering 9/11 goodwill, much of which was the result of shameless self-promotion anyway? Honest question, no offense meant.

You’re right. They’re exactly the same. Idiot.

If you want to play that game, I wonder if he would have complained if it had been offensive metal. Anyway, isn’t your point addressed in the article? Complain, okay; ask them to turn it off, okay; get them fired, you’re a dick.

Other than might makes right, what gives the U.S., the only country ever to use a nuke in war, the authority to decide who gets them and who doesn’t? As a patriot capable of critical thinking, I am tired of our hypocrisy on this and other issues.

Yes, that’s exactly right.