The Original Mr. Goodpost

I’m not talking about fiber to the home, im talking about the nationwide fiber network that makes your cellphone and internet work (specifically in the midhaul and backhaul). The telcoms laid 43 million route miles of fiber by 2007. 13 years earlier, there were a few thousand miles.

I fully agree with you that its short sighted, and actively makes the product on track worse.

You are completely correct. That is 100% of the issue, and literally any other statement is just window dressing and deflection for the press to eat up.

Yes, ok next Q.

It is 13 years from now. Thirteen years.

The writing has been on the wall for this change for a decade. Auto manufacturers purposefully drug their feet on the transition, spending tens of millions on kickbacks and political corruption, to try to delay it so they could juice some extra short term profit. They aren’t going to transition without a mandate, and

If you want to get technical, this class is IMSA’s GTP using the LMDh ruleset.

The program is paid for and developed independently by American Honda out of their own funds. Historically, Honda JP has handled (and has to approve) series outside of North America. Honda JP hasn’t seemed to care about endurance racing since the mid 90s, with all the appearances since then being either run by the

They haven’t had production requirements in the top class since 1998.

The US isn’t exporting those engines to China, and Boom certainly has the Chinese Big Three as primary customers on its wish list.

Boom announced in 2020 that they were partnering with Rolls Royce. The design is intended to use a commercial, non military core due to export regulations. They haven’t formally selected an engine, though.

The modern muscle car is an insanely overpriced poorly built unibody SUV made of the cheapest dogshit materials known to man, that looks as bad as it drives, is targeted specifically at boomers, makes the roads objectively more dangerous and worse for normal people, and that only the worst freaks in the world even noti

$81k unibody minivan with stripes and “tough” plastic cladding. Tailor made for the blue lives matter, oakleys in the profile pic crowd.

Darn green energy took all the coal chimney sweep jobs, too.

Its ok to keep saying true things.

My office is in Manhattan Beach (at least, it was back when I had to go there everyday before the pandemic), and I heard a number of similarly insane commutes over the years. Lancaster to MB, Santa Barbara, Temecula, etc

All the more reason for them to run together, and emphasize each other to grow their total fan bases.

NASCAR and IndyCar being on a combo weekend highlights that:

21mpg and still insanely ugly, still insanely bad sightlines and visibility, still dangerous for pedestrians and other drivers, still insanely heavy, still insanely poor obstacle avoidance, still far too large for parking lots and rationally sized roads, still does increased damage to infrastructure costing us all

Their website lists the same holding company that Bernie set up originally to own the track. My understanding is that Slavica got some share of the track as part of the divorce, but I don’t think we actually know how much. I’ve seen everything from 100% to 5%, lol.