That is your personal experience. It is not my personal experience.
That is your personal experience. It is not my personal experience.
This Autoweek interview had some good info on Scott and him (rightfully) deciding to stay stateside:
Now if only Honda/Acura would fix their shitty “A Gundam’s Dick” styling, especially on the sporty models.
Looks like a shitty Winamp skin color scheme, but I guess that sort of makes sense considering the sort of rich tasteless poser dipshit that the nameplate and exterior design are also clearly designed to court.
Although it would have been neat from a technical standpoint for each VAG brand to have a bespoke engine, you cant see under the decklid when they are on track anyway. And all of the “technical standpoint” of ICE engines in general is looking increasingly irrelevant to the future by the day. Might as well be a steam…
You have an F1 referencing user name, i don’t think you really have much grounds to call other series boring. Just saying.
If they want to go Full Gimmick Fun, go Full Gimmick Fun (like Formula D, Stadium Super Trucks, and Monster Jam). If they want to go Low Gimmick Serious, go Low Gimmick Serious (like IndyCar). Playing in the middle ground gives weird mixed messages. Is this a serious sport with serious competition, or is this purely a…
Related, from Lifehacker:
Rich talk from Lewis considering the nose onboards with the Mercedes showed their front wing flexing/collapsing so completely under high speed so as to essentially turn into a single element wing, springing back instantly when under braking.
There are always some teams that overperform their budget. That doesn’t mean that Formula 1 isn’t a money spending competition.
“Throwing money at their problems” is the definition of the last 40 years of Formula 1. That is how you win, period.
Gonna file this under feature not bug. You do not want to turn that on.
hey have you thought about relaxing and not being weird about a silly car video that you don’t own being posted on a blog?
Love having to use PowerShell to toggle options Microsoft removed from their own settings applications.
One of the most impressive runs in the series in a while. Still remains to be seen whether Herta and Andretti have all the pieces they need to actually challenge Penske and Ganassi for a title. Historically they have too many weekends where they roll off the truck and are out to lunch, or have electrical gremlins and…
1st Gear: Those states represent 107 million people, about a third of the US car market. When they walk, the value proposition for mass producing ICE cars in the US for the US market will be significantly changed. It doesn’t really matter whether the states giving corporate kickbacks and imposing anti-worker…
Hey have you thought about relaxing and not being weird about video games online?
It actually is. The actual TBM tunneling is by far the cheapest part of most subway systems. Nearly everything costs more: signaling, ventilation, egress, and far and away the most expensive part of most underground transit projects and the bane of every frugal transportation planner: stations.