The Original Mr. Goodpost

Unions are subject to the same laws of human behavior as governments, and will always get worse unless the people at the bottom hold them accountable with their only two tools: money (where applicable), and blood/toil. There is no magic system or legislation that will ever fix that.

I got to the point where you said I was being “obtuse” in my posting history before I laughed and stopped reading. Nobody gives a shit what you think, Nazi.

lol its like reading a 12 year old whining on Xbox live circa 2003. Very cool, Nazi.

yeah, lemme repeat here, bless your heart.

Where did I say I found a $30k Tesla, exactly?

I wasn’t calling you a Nazi as a zinger. You are obviously an ethno-nationalist. Aka a Neo-Nazi. Look in the mirror.

Bless your heart.

cough cough

Nice Pee-wee level comeback. Truly the master race’s superior intellect at work here.

Good for Takuma, one of the sports nice guys. I wish they coulda given us a shootout, but with the pit wall attenuator destroyed, they were looking at a 2 hours delay to get it fixed for 2 laps of racing. I totally get why they didnt red flag the race.

Hm no, sorry dork!

Doing ‘sexy’ ads doesnt mean you get to be harrassed at work years later, and taking your hands off the wheel is what every driver should be doing. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I’ll let TK know you think he has dainty wrists, dipshit.

She won in IndyCar, the sport she is covering. You don’t know what you are talking about, dipshit.

PT is a dipshit. Think Hinch takes his job pretty soon, unless he gets a full time ride next year.


Nice post history, Nazi:

2080 + 8700K + 32GB 3200 ram, latest drivers on everything, all windows updates, installed on NVME SSD. Running 1440p/Gsync. Def the least stable game I’ve played in a long time, since maybe the GTAV Online launch.

Been playing the Steam version all day and been crashing repeatedly all day, but the game is so damn gorgeous and fun that its worth the headaches. I’ve had lots of crashes with the window just closing randomly, I had a few BSODs, I had a few “won’t ever load” crashes, just lost of stuff. But in the end... I still

Just had to do this exact fix for my Mii Box S. Was unbelievably pissed when it loaded the ads for the first time after the update, as I explicitly bought this thing to avoid all the awful ads built into this TV’s interface.

Yup, i try to actively support IndyCar/Road to Indy manufacturers and sponsors, then IMSA/Sportscars, then NASCAR, then F1, in that order.