The Original Mr. Goodpost

Cmon Seb, Indycarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

the current premium with the 2.5 is $29k today. like, right now.

Sure, they don’t sell many base model civics either, but they do exist. There is one available today 50 miles from my house for $37,990 before state incentives.

I said “close to a Tesla”. We don’t know what the Turbo will cost yet, but its gonna be between $30-40k. I would bet somewhere around $33k equipped, based on the cost of the Premium non-Turbo. Paying $5k more to get a fully electric, faster, subjectively more “luxury” car is just too close.

The problem is the price. They are just too close to a Tesla.

Getting rich by providing entertainment content that people pay for directly is one of the very few ways to get very wealthy that seem morally defensible to me. So good for the kids, who gives a shit.

Good attempted recovery here, but the initial post was still Bad.

da edgemasta has logged on

Do you often find yourself in professional scrabble tournaments, internet commenter “vegsmashed”?

Gonna need this image a lot in these comments I think.

On the “$ per hour of distraction” and $ for internet attention” scales, thats actually pretty dang reasonable for a hobby I guess.

whatever size the Trader Joes dark choco peanut cups are, cause they are superior in all ways. i am SORRY

So you think this opinion piece on a video game is clickbait content because it is someone elses opinion on a video game, essentially?

Assigning people to review and play games that they would automatically like sounds like a recipe for bad reviews and bad content, specifically the “every game gets at least an 8" trash that most video game websites crank out.

So wait, in your world reviewers and various media writers are only allowed to play games they like, and if they happen to not like a game they are covering, it is “clickbait” for them to share that opinion (which is literally their job)?

I am saying that, yes.

And this coming from an anti-tariff, anti-economic nationalism (whatever the hell that term means) conserva-tarian who’s tired of the GOP being captured by trade protectionists.

Exactly the info I was looking for, thank you my dude.

Not very many killer features here honestly. I have Game Bar disabled (redundant with better products from other sources, also it shares data with MS and they are a terrible/evil company), I have Cortana disabled (redundant with better products from other sources, also it shares data with MS and they are a

God this Fox News RESPECT R TREWPS dogshit is embarrassing.