That you still go to drive in movies in 2019 should give you a hint that your entertainment tastes are not like other peoples.
That you still go to drive in movies in 2019 should give you a hint that your entertainment tastes are not like other peoples.
I don’t give a flying fuck what you think “it means to be an American”.
*man using computer whose development was funded by government spending, using internet whose development and roll out was funded by government spending, using electricity whose development and roll out was funded by government spending, written in a language he only understands due to government spending*
I think we should go one step further: the movement of the stock market is not indicative of the health, economically or otherwise, of the people in the nation that hosts it.
lol ok Kevin
You can run anything you want in GT3, the top end sportscars are literally slowed down from their stock configurations to run in the class. I mean there are huge Cadillac ATS, Bentley Continentals, Lexus RC F, BMW B6/M6 etc homologated. Everyone is performance balanced, thats the beauty.
That is a very good lap.
You basically just described GT3, and yes it exists.
Ehhhhhh, both have gone way off the rails lately.
Every one of those drivers is someone who should have been on a bus/train instead.
Sure, and a magic wand would fix some of this too. Driverless cars are not happening any time soon. Sorry.
I don’t think you understand induced demand.
The people that deal with this on a daily basis don’t live in LA. They live in Lancaster, Pomona, Fontana, Riverside etc and commute to LA. That is why they deal with it on a daily basis.
Like American truck buyers actually use their truck beds, cmon.
Actually, fuck reddit.
I think you massively underestimate the head start Tesla has, and massively underestimate how long manufactures will take to catch up.
Just block them. Block them all. Block without abandon, on all platforms, for all people you don’t want to see. It is not your obligation to be bombarded by stupid peoples shitty opinions all day.
Track was under yellow and he stopped offline. Don’t think its a problem, although maybe a bit unnecessary unless there is a fire or its away from corner workers.