isnt this like “politely asking” the alt-right not to have rallies on your campus? doesnt really work that way.
isnt this like “politely asking” the alt-right not to have rallies on your campus? doesnt really work that way.
lol what a shitty take
extremely same to both this and your OP, my dude
I’ve been in the Bolt. Its MILES better than any other current Chevy (also got to sit in pretty much the entire Chevy lineup, and every competitor, at the Long Beach GP) both in materials, layout, cheap flexing stuff, crappy middle america pandering shit, all of it... but thats really really not saying much…
Questionnaire studies, sigh.
Everyone knows that the only real Mario voice is the pre-Mario 64 new york italian voice, so it would sound totally natural. These are FACTS.
Actually it looks cool and good
It did that in season 1 dude, enjoy the ride. I just watched the episode and it has a slightly above average eye-roll ratio for a Scones ep, but not as bad as some past eps in the Dark Days of season 5.
Some people are also calling for statutes of Hitler in the US. Just because “some people” want something doesn’t mean you have to give a shit.
I dont know if youve seen Mazda’s reliability rankings, but uh, lets just say they arent bad. It helps they don’t make the rotary anymore, but they are a top 5 company in long term projected reliability at the moment.
lmao fuck off doug
They tried in Berkeley remember. Got bounced out by the kids and whined on the internet, while dumbshit complicit white people talked ever so bravely about how the Berkeley students should have let them gather.
He complained about the ”violence” and “hate”, not the fucking nazis themselves. Same with Pence. Rubio at least had the balls to mention the nazis.
For those that missed the joke, yes, this is tongue in cheek. Sometimes in American racing, the drivers have some fun and say things that are funny and enjoyable. Clint does it quite often. Try to relax.
Its tongue in cheek, you understand that right
Love that these comments are full of carbros mad/confused cause Car Bros made fun of their culture. Guess it makes sense.
*whispers* they are both dumb trash for idiots so...
cool pedantry. calm down, its a blog posting a silly video.