The Original Mr. Goodpost

You would need to carry the fuel all the way there to burn out of Saturn’s huge gravity well to get home (and spend all the money to lift that extra fuel into space), as well as making sure the engine is robust enough for a heavy burn after 2 decades in space (more weight and cost). 

Australian citizens made the same value judgement that basically every other country on earth’s citizens have: its more important to have nice, cheap shit than it is to buy local. Because of that, the local manufacturing industry was and is inherently boned. Outsourcing will rule the roost with this set of constants.

Found some folks that I’m sure would like to make a call concerning “victims and their families who have been impacted by a crime committed by an alien who may be subject to removal.”

Free markets end in monopoly all on their own.

Weather in most of the US sucks ass for 6+ months a year. Most racing survives because people come to the track to watch. TV is great, but attendance is the lifeblood. If you want people to come to the track, you have to race when the weather outside doesn’t suck ass. That means most series try to pack the dates in

As taquiera style Mexican has spread across the US it’s become less regional, but carne asada fries in San Diego (or anywhere in Southern California) are still a treat. Preferably in a styrofoam contained from a restaurant ending in “-erto’s”

You really think New Mexico has an absolute cultural lock on the concept of green chile/chili? Really? I mean there isnt much to be proud of in New Mexico, but cmon.

hes in the run off, so who cares. also maybe they shouldnt have a supercars race if their track surface cant even take a fuckin’ burnout. also thats not much of a static burnout.

thats really bad logic. sorry. just because you bought an asset with post-tax dollars, that does not mean you ‘paid taxes twice’ when that thing makes you more money.

“commie bitch” might be my next user name...

lmao thank god the internet even has white knights for dumbshits like Jesse James

You’re right, your post certainly contained bad analogies. Thanks for warning us up front.

Now playing

Every post that mentions Velveeta has the cheese snob brigade saying that processed cheese doesn’t count. Please learn what processed cheese is below, and also admit to yourself that its fucking delicious and shuttup. Thanks.

Sure, if you set the bar at domestic, these are far from the worst at the time. But I don’t think the bar should really be set there, personally.

Good? No.

In many ways, American’s drove the offshoring of their own jobs and destruction of their own small towns.

Then go someplace else, dipshit.

No, its not customary. Also, its incredibly fucking stupid.

Trips down F1's pit lane are positively serene compared to what he’s going to experience at IMS under yellow with 33 cars on pit road. The fact that he gets 8 seconds to breathe per stop isn’t going to help much.

If you can beat the game in 6 hours without a guide, you’re a better adventure gamer than I will ever be. It took me like 5-10x that time to beat it when it first came out.