Most places waive the return window anyway.
Most places waive the return window anyway.
Where do you work?
Assuming you have a fryer?
Yeah, 1+ resumes are common now (unless you’re entry level). Mine is about 2 pages.
Remember, they euthanize the losing team.
Him, not so much. I really didn’t look to see if there is anything more against him.
They found the remains of the camera and cell phone in the fire pit. They found Avery’s DNA (cells) under the hood of her car with the battery disconnected. They found rivets from her jeans in the fire pit. And Brendons mother admitted that she remembers seeing his jeans stained from bleach one day after cleaning…
For sure. I said to someone else that when I watched it, I had doubt that he did it. When I read everything they left out, I’m convinced he’s guilty. (Side note - the hole in the blood vial, if that’s what you’re referring to about planting evidence, is very common, and is actually how they initially got blood in the…
It’s entertaining, but they leave a ton of evidence and information out. When I watched it, I thought “maybe Avery is innocent,” then I read what they left out, and now I’m convinced he’s guilty.
Some kind of network issue, or software the Patriots are using specifically on their Surfaces.
Since it’s the Patriots, I’m thinking it’s user-error.
As a Giants fan, I wish someone would have committed a really late hit against him during the 90s.
So that’s why I don’t get responses!
And the Cardinals still win...
DO change your beneficiary information on all your policies (life insurance, retirement accounts, etc.)
For me, sometimes it’s hard to take a lunch break, because of time zones. I’ve been working on something with a person in Ireland, (I live near NYC), so taking my lunch would hinder the project.
Paint probably lasts a lot longer, I would think.
Can you imagine the outrage from Yankee nation in Jeter doesn’t get 100% of the votes?
Does it work on other reviews that aren’t hotel?
Guess we know Raph’s choice between an F-150 and Silvarado.