
Target (at least the one’s I’ve been too), don’t play music in them. I bet someone picked up a phone, paged the intercom and played the porn through the phone.

As a Met fan, I can only think of how they would have been if they kepy Bautista and Kazmir, instead of trading both on the same day.

I never said it carried the same risk, just that it carries a risk.
And you were the one who assumed I wished death on someone, when I clearly didn’t. Again, you’re reading what you want to read, and not what’s actually written.

It doesn’t result in the 100% certainty of death, therefore, unless I specifically said “resulting in his death,” which I didn’t, I was not calling for his death. Does it carry a risk? Yes. But so does something like breaking a leg.

I said hit in the head, not murder. Big difference.

Didn’t know the moral police were around.

As much as I hate John Rocker, for being the original dirt bag, the guy had balls. He wanted to take the 7 line after he made those comments, but didn’t after the NYPD pleaded for him not too. Utley would never do that, because he’s a pussy.

I’ve never seen that play before (just watched it), but wow...can’t believe that happened.

They have a few guys in the pen that can throw upper 90s! (Hansel Robles)

This, exactly. All this does it protect the dirtbag from getting beaned/pelted with batteries.

I was looking forward to Utley taking a 97-mph fastball from Hansel Robles to the head.

If I knew that this was, with 100% certainty that it was real, I’d think about buying it.

I love this because right as I read it, an Uber commercial came on the TV.

That’s a good question. I think it could be because the don’t like to issue sunpoenas to victims.

“Touchdown!” -Umpires in the Mets-Dodgers game

Nah...I hope Utley gets MRSA in his fucking throat.

So in two years, Seager will tear his achilles against the Mets in a playoff gamae?

It’s illegal because you have to be before the bag before you start to slide. Not when you’re even to it.

Not a fan of the RainX wiper blades. There are much better ones.

Not a fan of the RainX wiper blades. There are much better ones.

I wouldn’t call myself a software engineer, or a programmer, but I do write enhancements to a database in my company, and based on this (limited experience, I know), it’s almost impossible to plan for every single instance that could arise. So you’re right, it is scary to think that even a tiny mishap could result in