
I think what you might mean is that Christians should “spread the word of Christ.” Some could interpret that as convert everyone, but most (including me), says that means to essentially be a good person (e.g. don’t kill anyone, don’t steal, that kind of stuff).

I knew they took them away for abuse (the names certainly didn't help), but that's the first time I've read that article. Wow.

Yes, and I just looked the story up again, the father went to a court appearance, regarding custody of his kids, and he was dressed as a Nazi soldier.

Reminds me of a story about 8 years ago, when a grocery store I know refused to make a cake that said "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler." Apparently, a father (and mother), named one of their kids Adolf Hitler and wanted the store to make them a birthday cake.

Isn’t this technically true, though? Doesn’t Christianity come with evangelizing and conversion being held up as ideals as a pretty central part of the faith?

Isn’t this technically true, though? Doesn’t Christianity come with evangelizing and conversion being held up as ideals as a pretty central part of the faith?

Ah...ok...I swear I remember a story about someone who burned down their house because it was infested with bees, or spiders, or something.

Or any government program.

Draft me.

I remember seeing this, but can’t remember the details

I was buying my first new car, so I was in my early 20s, and looking to buy a Ford Focus (this was 3 years ago). My mom bought a 1999 Ford Explorer, so I decided to go the same dealership. After a test drive, I'm sitting at the desk and the finance guy comes over, and I try to negotiate another $1k-$2k off the


I really hope Jezebel readers/writers don’t look at any of these comments.

Jameis Winston.

True, but many people from my HS couldn’t afford the 40k a year to go to Monmouth

I think Kean may be better than Georgian Court. And you must be older than me, I only know it as TCNJ, who have been trying to top Yale for years.

Kean needs to try and top Montclair State, or Farleigh Dickinson first.

They were in the news a few months ago for buying a table that cost $200k. I only know of them because I live in NJ. Kean is where all the really, really dumb kids go.

They probably had to redesign it to be WCAG compliant.

That's pretty cool that it was written by a justice, I'll be sure to check it out, like I said, I really enjoy legal dramas, so I'll probably like this.