
Looked like a typical funny car crash. Don’t know what the deal is. These are practically routine 

Disney’s version of “pull my finger” ... so you can buy this in Italy?

My OG PS4 has been in two apartments since purchase (bought about a year after release). First stored vertical and now horizontal. No issues other than some games get the fan all worked up. Still running strong and I’m not planning a PS5 until probably April or thereabouts. My PS3 is still chuggin’ at my sister’s too!

They’re just giving the kid choices lol

If you’re pissed you never got a fresh set of batteries last time you were out - that’s on you. If you’re pissed you don’t have a cable +5ft. - that’s on you. If you’re too lazy to plug in your 2nd controller (or too cheap to buy one in the first place - but you’re a writer? of games so you probably have 4 or more) -

Going by the picture... where does it say Nintendo?

Lawyer: We plead not guilty your honor by reason of picky eating

“I’ll keep watching NASCAR, and I’ll keep writing about it ... but I’ll do it with a constant reminder that the world is full of greedy, harmful people who never seem to lose”

At my camp we held the box length-wise and were told it was a capital H. Mind blown.

Why isn’t it American flag blue and not this IMO overly dark navy blue. I’m amazed he didn’t go for sky camo

How is this not pinned or the top/first story. I found it buried three pages in!! Hope it has a good ending.

A lot of shine is lost on an event that has multiple major leaks 3 days before it starts.

Anyone who thinks driving a smaller car will lead to less congestion is delusional. Much like adding lanes to reduce traffic, all smaller cars do is make room for more smaller cars. Jalopnik is its own enemy sometimes.

Just put some orange flag material... go to go. It’s not really that unusual.

“BioWare Community Manager Says Hostile Replies Make Developers Less Likely To Engage”

This is the logical next step in a society that has devolved to the point of accepting pajama pants as outerwear. That and the fact they seemed more offended by the trophy name than the actual content says a lot about their upbringing. Also, the idea that developers need to apologize for something mundane saying “this

continuing like nothing happened.”  - uh, wrong way!

GT5 had a trophy for matching the 2007 Nissan GTR time of 7:29:03. After a month the closest I got was 7:31:xx and I thought my run was nearly flawless (I also thought other runs were better!). I should try in Sport to see what I could do now though it’d be with a 2017 model. Hmmmmm....

Crossing rail tracks at a near parallel angle to the tracks can result in injury or even death. Seriously, I learned this when I was a kid. How do these people not know this? At least a few looked like they should. Also of note is virtually every rider fell to their left towards traffic.

Came for the donuts. Left unimpressed.