It’s kind of funnny that the real reason DFS is going down isn’t the shady behavior of DK and FD, but the fact that we just got sick of all the damn ads.
It’s kind of funnny that the real reason DFS is going down isn’t the shady behavior of DK and FD, but the fact that we just got sick of all the damn ads.
“There’s probably more guidance on fantasy football strategies in the world than on being a good boyfriend.”
If the Giants were going to interview hue Jackson but didn’t have the chance, who did they interview to satisfy the Rooney rule?
Maine became a state (broken off from MA) from the Missouri Compromise, so that there would be an even # of slave vs free states.
I think what this stat really says is, “11% of Republicans hate pollsters.”
As someone with PTLDS, I thought this article did a decent job of explaining the situation on the TV show (which I have not watched), and briefly introducing some of the science on this topic, without wading into the overarching Lyme Debate, a discussion from which neither side will emerge happy.
How many people have you asked out recently?
My feelings would be very different if this had happened: the Celts gave strong consideration to drafting him. So while I’m basically, “Eff Kobe and his whole farewell tour,” if he really did wear the green, well you know how sports fandom goes.
My girlfriend and I were both minors, in Massachusetts in the 90s, and she had run away from her foster parents. When she got pregnant I found our way through the system, and she went in front of a judge who barely looked up before signing off on allowing her to get an abortion. We went to Planned Parenthood, paid…
Born in raised in Boston, now living in the land of Tim Horton’s. And I have NEVER heard of an Orange Bar. This raccoon was doing the donut-craving world a flavor favor by getting rid of this abomination.
Does anyone remember the strength of schedule for the Patriots in 2001? Or when Neil Freaking O’Donnell won a SB for Pittsburgh in the 90s? Or for any SB-winning team, ever?
Note to Idaho: Tis the season to remember that Jesus was born to a homeless unwed teenage mom.
I’m a social worker, and I can tell you, hiring SWers to track families’ finances, etc., is an enormous waste of money. Just use that money to feed the kids instead.
I’m a guy, been single far longer than I care to admit. Anyone have the address for the OH legislature? Cuz I can send them the kleenex I use to catch my potential-babies-killed-by-masturbation. They have 132 legislators, I can get this done in just over 2 months.
I moved up here in 2006, and there’s a lot of bad info you’re being given ITT. Bad Kinja!