
Deadspin forever.

Now that’s just crazy talk. If they did that, no publisher would ever pay for pretentious nonsense.

They’ll have Marine 1 on standby—traffic won’t be a consideration.

Have you ever read a blog post before?

I concur. I have been saying my best wishes to the Deadspinners on Twitter.

I anoint thee with a star.

We miss you, Megan.

Further proof of the deterioration of this site:

And autoplay videos, I hear.

The fact that he did a sarcastic “stick to sports” post at this time in this place made me a fan.

Clarification: Is there also such a thing as “wedding season?” Or is that just marketing?

They tested positive for pumpkin spice?

Seconded on all points.

What a bunch of piss babies. 

Bless Ray Ratto.

It’s the fan base we’re talking about. They love to think the league is out to screw them over.

So who would you put as more insufferable than Patriots fans in the NFL? Ravens, maybe?

God bless Jose Andres.

You could say the same thing about the NFL, let alone this rec league.

uBlock Origin is your friend. Emphasis on Origin.