
If you want a really compelling read, check out “Showtime” by Jeff Pearlman. It’s the history of the Lakers of the Magic Johnson era--and numerous anecdotes of how much they all HATED Kareem.

+1 “You can’t win if you don’t play.”

I’m sure with Jack Dorsey’s ability to make up his mind in timely fashion, that’ll happen ‘round about never.

Mr. President?

Not after the prequel trilogy. Oh, you didn’t mean George, never mind.

Clowns, I appreciate the feedback.

Thanks, boxrocket. 

Because Joe Manchin.

Does Top Gear count?

Any real-world drivers of CX-5s out here? I’m in the market, and I hate myself that I find a crossover like that desirable. I’d like your general impressions, please and thanks.

For that kind of scratch, I’d say nice things about British Leyland.

Explicable =/= excusable.

Couldn’t agree more. But as someone who used to report on football, I can tell you there are a fair number of coaches who have no life outside the game, and can’t stay away, even under the most superficial of circumstances.

Television is what old coaches do while waiting for their agents to call with a new job offer.

“Nobody’s watching. Nobody cares.”

3rd Gear: I’ve been looking at the Civic as an option for my next car. Any thoughts on whether or not producing more of them in America will actively bring the price down? My money is on, “Not much.”

Any David Luiz-supplied comedy shall inevitably come at his own expense.

“You don’t call your own fouls--your name isn’t Michael Jordan.”


Take a star. Hell, take ALL the stars.