
Yup. Word processor doesn’t leave the forensic evidence of a typewriter, let alone handwriting. And they’re easily available at a library.

Have a star, you magnificent bastard.

The ballad of Jimmie Dennie Allie!

Unashamedly stupid. And I love the cool parts while decrying the dumb.

Oh, look--James Hardin mailing it in on defense, again...

Add the ACLU to the list. 

To be fair, I also claim to weigh 275 on mine.

6'3", 320 here. If Trump is less than 275, I’ll wear a MAGA hat in public (devout liberal/progressive).

-1 enough runway.

Always has been.


Have there been any cost analyses to figure out what kind of additional tax burden this would mean if we went to single-payer or Medicare for all? 

So is flailing the new flopping?

+1 decade of marriage. Congratulations.

Or as an impulsive act of a person who didn’t know how to deal with the stress. I lean to the “guilty as accused” explanation, but there are others. 

Since that player had no bearing on the play, he can’t be offside. Back in the old days he would have been, but the rule was changed.

I’m surprised there wasn’t a go-kart in the back of the pickup, as well.

I got winded shoveling a snowflake.


He’d better hope he’s better at hiding his paper trail from Mueller.