
Waybto bring down the mood. You’re not wrong, though.

I’ll never watch this movie again, because of the completely unnecessary antagonism between Albrecht and his boss, to say nothing of how terrible the girl actress was.


Gross injustice, my ass. Talk to the critics he sued into silence for telling the truth about him, if you’re looking for gross injustice.

Because authoritarianism, like the poor, will always be with us.

Ah, good old ROS (run of schedule) ads. Cheapest tier, run whenever the computer scheduler finds a place for them.

+1 cinnamon roll incense stick.

+1 orange combover.

Keeping it real.

Get rid of the draft altogether and make it a fully free-agent marget like Premier League soccer. It’ll never happen, but that’s the only way to dis-incentivize tanking.

As the husband of a nurse, I can personally attest: never mess with a nurse.

I can’t wait to see what happens with Tesla once they’re taken over by a real auto maker.

Dear Robert Mueller III,

Get fucked, creep.

Raise your hand if, like me, you had to Google “eutectic,” and raise your other hand if you’re still not sure even then.

This is why I’m glad I never took part in wrestling.

So was I, and I was only a swimmer.

How many are written in advance and filled in with words after? ;-)


+1 X File