
The Dominionists (Ted Cruz and nearly every evangelical nutjob preacher out there, including Franklin Graham Jr.) are pushing for a theorcacy. That is why they keep trying to introduce this shit in schools and in government. btw, they hate the Muslims only because pretty much every Muslim country observes some form of

Doug Evans, the company’s founder, would compare himself with Steve Jobs in his pursuit of juicing perfection. He declared that his juice press wields four tons of force—“enough to lift two Teslas,” he said.

My favorite is them saying that it is less messy to use a machine. Because when I typically pour myself a glass of juice, the liquid gets everywhere. The counter top. My shirt. My fucking eyes.

This is my favourite excerpt.

He didn’t have a track record you idiot. He wasn’t an adult with full awareness of his intentions.

We also don’t know full facts and will never know. He could have been tricked into bringing it in, and honestly did not know. Heck, maybe one was real juice and the other wasn’t. But the officials had an idea and instead

I saw a segment of the blue lives matter crowd attempt to justify the united plane removal scenario as well, playing the personal responsibility card in the process. You , like those people - are so tone deaf to the broader issues at play. Ultimately - it doesn’t matter if the 16 year old drug smuggler was a “bad

What’s bullshit is your response. The punishment for being a drug smuggler isn’t death.

This is the worst possible take anyone could have for this situation.

He was 16 and stupid. Didn’t deserve to die for it.

Yeah. All on his own. With two armed adults telling him to do so. Not coerced at all.  

It doesn’t say “Other M” on it so it’s good enough of a change for me to merit buying this one.

It’s important to remind people that AG Sessions is a hardcore 80s drug warrior who’s always been highly critical of recent pot legalization by states. Given how brownshirty TSA became with the Muslim ban, nobody should be surprised if they start throwing the book at people carrying even a gram or two.

Read somewhere, if important to you I can source, that Zeke agreed to the episode before it aired. What happened was unscripted assholery, but everyone was on board for the airing.

Little orange jumper

Like solving environmental puzzles.

Trump couldve spent 3 weekends at Mar-a-lago with that!! Sad.

Why would they, when there’s a perfectly good chance to shame a victim and their grieving family?!

Can’t let these opportunities slip by!!!! /s

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

Paid DLC for the win!

I’ve done work on dehydration for the Army. Thirst is NOT a reliable indicator unless under circumstances that you are very acclimated to. Used to living in the Northeast and not doing much physical labor? You’ll find you can’t rely on your thirst to tell you when to drink if you suddenly are doing a lot of work in