
Yeah, what happens when they go to the mall or gas station and they realize they are on 20 cameras? Do they break down in a heap and assume the fetal position?

It looks to me like she is annoyed her battery has run out and she can’t play the game with the others,

The Lord of the rings, the dark crystal and things, we use these as a reference tool.And when we put on our cloaks and tell warlock jokes, we’re the coolest kids in school.

I believe it’s pronounced ‘chahge cahd’.

Skeletorima Productions

Good evening.

Just a quick crappy shop.

here for carrot biscuits

Yep, same here. Sitting at my work desk. Staring at my computer in disbelief, age 35.

AUKEY Sport Bluetooth Headphone $20-

AUKEY Sport Bluetooth Headphone $20-

I missed this thing dearly.

This is just a convenient way to get rid of conspiracy theorists because they’ll all die after the cruise ship sails off the edge of the earth.

Thermapen Classic (or really any of the Thermapens). Bar none the best thermometer for cooking I have ever bought — accept no substitutes.

Thermapen Classic (or really any of the Thermapens). Bar none the best thermometer for cooking I have ever bought —

I especially like the comments on recipes that usually go like this:

I suggest to relative novice cooks who try recipes for the first time that they follow the directions to the letter, the first time. It may be bland as you point out, due to that LCD issue, but I think the best way to understand where to make those changes is to do it “correctly” the first time . That way, the cook

He solved the Kobayashi Maru. Without cheating.