
Have you been peeking at my refrigerator? Because I have a whiteboard up on it.

Reusing jars emptied of minced garlic, artichoke hearts, kalamata olives, pasta sauce, etc., Let it cool a bit, then use a fine strainer to get rid of the bigger bits, pour it into the jar, cap, and store in refrigerator (maybe not required, but makes me feel better), next to my jar of schmaltz.

  • What’s your favorite processed, totally craptastic food you enjoy more than homemade? Bear Creek Tortilla soup mix. Of course, I add tomatoes, chicken, and fresh fried tortilla strips but still.

Because the fatty acids in lard are a mixture of saturated and unsaturated. Hydrogenating the unsaturated fatty acids saturates them and extends the life of the lard, since it won’t go rancid as fast.

And when I was young in the Plains, they took ground beef, added minced onion with the salt and pepper, and served it raw on crackers. It was called Tiger Meat.

I would gladly listen to Wham’s “Last Christmas” on repeat - heck, I’d even listen to the Glee version of it - if I could get the radio stations around here to get rid of Dan Fogelberg’s “Same Old Lang Syne”. This piece of work mentions Christmas Eve in the second line, nowhere else. The lyrics boil down to:

That is, if you can stop the incessant scratching from all the sulfites in the wine aggravating your allergies.

I have only heard that term recently, with my auto insurance. The company sent me a notice that they were ‘sunsetting’ all the policies in my state that their particular branch of the company offered, meaning that I’m still insured up until the renewal date, but after that I need to find a new provider. Of course,

  • How strongly attached to turkey are you? Somewhat, since our family Thanksgiving tend to be large potluck occasions (30 people attending is a quiet year), we have multiple proteins - turkey and ham are givens, fried chicken usually, some sort of beef roast or duck is a rare change. Oh, and as the turkey is usually

You want to borrow the 60 pounds I gained during mine? Heck, forget borrowing, you can just have them.

  • What’s your favorite canned bean? Garbanzo. Love to make me some quick hummus without having to wait and soak, and I can never get the soaking right.

Three words:

I did the Hy-vee points comparison for some friends of mine. It mostly went like this:

We just had a gas war here not too recently, a new station in the northeast section of town and two others were dropping prices in competition with each other. While gas prices were starting off at $2.23/gal (10% Ethanol unleaded) in the rest of the city, the prices at those stations dropped to under $1.70/gal, but



And even worse if you aren’t a normal width - when I need shoes I go on the hunt for the elusive 13EEE, and hope that it fits. I have a wide foot, a high arch, and short blocky toes - I have Barney Rubble feet.

Hints for washing clothing with leather patches that may be helpful:

I tried chewing gum all the time.

The paleo version of cookie dough

When I was buying my eclipse glasses, I was in line behind a woman who bought 130 pair for her preschool. I guess in California she’d be Public Enemy #1.