
Personal email - about 25 a day

My 2nd computer. My 1st was the Atari 600XL, with cassette drive, Epson dot matrix printer, and a whopping fast 300 baud modem! It was so much fun to connect to a text based BBS and watch the characters pop up one... by... one on the screen. Not to mention the connection music .

Hmmmmm... based on the package nutritional information, Froot Loops have 25 g of total carbohydrates and 3 grams of fiber per serving. I do believe that is an 8.3:1 ratio which more than meets the 10:1 ratio you are recommending.

That's fall work in this neck of the woods. Hard to see the weeds through the drifts, and cover crops don't sprout very well in the snow. This time of year is mostly adding kitchen scraps to top of the compost pile, and ordering seeds and plants for 2013's gardens.

None. Wanted to get my nieces in Massachusetts some gifts from ToysRUs (they live less than a mile from the store so their mom could pick them up if I had them delivered to the store), not a single thing I wanted to get them was either in stock at the store, could be delivered to the store before Christmas, or was

As for #7 - if the User backs us up before rebooting, no problem. Except for two Enzo's...

Oh dear, does that mean we are in for an imminent robot revolt? What? Apple Stores as manned by humans? Well, I'm glad it's just limited to Apple and this kind of thing doesn't happen in:

The Internet never disappoints me.

My best friend's cat was named Lum. Of course I've seen it.

Now, why would you want to see that Frenchy thing in the middle of America! when you can look at corn. Corn, corn, corn as far as the eye can see. Or this time of the year, corn stubble, corn stubble, corn stubble...

...insert obligatory link to Bob and Doug McKenzie's "Twelve Days of Christmas" here...

If holiday music evokes spending, is that why my local mall had the "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" extended play going while I was there last week? I walked from one end of the mall to the other, stopping in stores to browse, and that song was still going as I walked out the door.

I worked here 25 years ago, when it was a family owned company, and we had a Christmas party in December, and all employees received a holiday turkey/ham. 15 years ago we were bought out by an international company, and had a January holiday party and no turkey/ham. 5 years ago we were bought out by a group of

Judging by the list, you have to have at least 6 letters/numbers, so make it 2boobs

She's off playing an elf, apparently :)

Oh no, no, no, those things are MUCH worse.

Can't do that with a front loader. Water automatically shuts off when you open the door (if you can open it, mine locks as soon as I hit START)

We see a lot of these around here, usually when elderly folks are downsizing their possessions before moving out of their family homes and into smaller retirement living units. Sometimes you can't rely on family to take those 32 sets of china you had stockpiled in the basement...

"Les? Les? Les, are you there? Les isn't there. Thanks for that on-the-spot report, Les. For those of you who've just tuned in, the Pinedale Shopping Mall has just been bombed with live turkeys. Film at eleven."

After years of shuffling between Mom's and my oldest sister's homes, it has settled to my sister's house. She makes turkey and dressing (not stuffing, never goes inside the bird), and everything else is supplied by the rest of us, pot luck style.