Curse you, Discord the Draconequus!!!
Curse you, Discord the Draconequus!!!
My fifth-grade teacher Mrs. Ahlschwede is looking down from the clouds (or looking up through the flames, according to some of her former students) and saying "SEE, I TOLD YOU SO!!!!"
You are WAY more organized than me! I've started it a couple times in the past year, never completed it.
But he couldn't fix a hole in a boat.
New Shimmer! It's A Floor Wax! It's A Dessert Topping! IT'S BOTH!!!
Cinnamon does not influence the rooting of the cutting - you still need the rooting compound for that. Cinnamon will help keep the cutting from rotting before it roots.
Only if you can verify that the vice grips are the pre-Irwin-Tool-made-in-the-US-and-not-the-current-Chinese-crap variety
1) Chances are I would have glue, thread and toothpaste at home and not need to buy any just for this fix.
What perfect timing. My strawberry bed is showing the first red berries of the season. I went out there today to pick and taste the few red ones, and about halfway though the bed I noticed, mixed in with the strawberry leaves (which are also 3-lobed, and can be reddish when they get old), that I have POISON IVY…
Mmmmmm... state bread sandwich with guv'mint cheese...
Darwin candidates need to be eliminated from the gene pool before they can contaminate it. At 78 he's probably already passed his genes along, if he was ever going to.
The human body is the most amazing gadget we have.
That looks 'shopped to me...
So, we buy our groceries at the drug store, and our toiletries at the grocery store?
Yay for Beaky Buzzard!!!
If I'm budgeting for a specific item (like a TV), I'll have not only a price in mind, but also a feature set, preferred manufacturer, etc. that I use to make my decision. If the lower quality TV does not meet my needs, I won't get it whether its $18 under budget or $818 under budget. And if the model I want doesn't…
So, Time Warner Cable's digital channels, whether you want it or not...
My brother's birthday?? NO FAIR!!!! He doesn't even LIKE Star Trek!!!
Make that third ;-)