Personal experience here with Trader Joe's in the Great Plains
Personal experience here with Trader Joe's in the Great Plains
+10 for your name
Nope, Battlestar Galactica.
100% total agreement on the labeling - I spent the weekend going through paint cans trying to figure out what was what (identifying the horrible Pepto-Bismol pink that the previous owner painted throughout the whole house was easy, but where did I use gloss white, where did I use semi-gloss white, and where did I use…
Learned a lot of this from Alton Brown years ago
Yes, he was being sarcastic. The first 2 paragraphs are a generalization of the statements released by the police department anytime there is inquiry into possible illegal operations involving them, with a little snark thrown in. The last paragraph is his true feelings.
If your refrigerator has solid shelves (usually all but the least expensive do), it should have no effect.
The spray is only required for adhesion. Otherwise, especially with more fluid batters than most brownies, you could get it leaking under the paper.
Yep. And boy, is Cookie pissed!
Belladonna is not from mushrooms. It is prepared from the plant called deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), which is a relative of tomato/potato/nicotine.
From the Vimeo page:
"Lost her while moving" does not mean "packed the cat into a box for moving". From the actual article:
Good for refrigerated dough (since you don't need to thaw, just activate the yeast), but if it is frozen you will be pre-heating your oven for far longer than you actually end up baking.
Yes, it's protectionism why they can't let European farmers buy atrazine from Syngenta, that darn non-European Swiss company.
"a little Biritsh band" - perhaps British?
Yes, but unfortunately it is stepping on some cheap wooden flooring (I know, I installed it at my house and am currently uninstalling it).
There are two different kinds of 8-legged daddy long legs. One type technically isn't a spider, but they don't have silk either. So if yours are swooshing down on silk lines, they are the other type, the cellar spiders called daddy long legs.
Had a hard time wrapping my head around you calling them spiders with wings, until I remembered that in some parts of the world they refer to crane flies as daddy long legs.
I'd say they hit it right on the head there. My god, poor Cap can't even see his feet or the lil' Captain with his big man mammaries sticking out like that. And either his back is way, WAY thrown out, or he's sporting a 50 inch waist. I've seen swimsuit models Photoshopped to plasticity that didn't look that…