Didn’t know ‘amazing’ and ‘an incoherent mess’ were synonyms. 🤨
Didn’t know ‘amazing’ and ‘an incoherent mess’ were synonyms. 🤨
Looks more Groovylotus than Radford.
I'm a broke, unemployed industrial designer with no wife or kids. So, also, most cars.
Except it’s basically a huge sedan underneath. The OG Roaster was way cooler.
You forgot the MAGA hat.
Spat over all the wheels!!!
LMP1 cars were already making the bulk of their downforce from the floor. They only need to make what they’re allowed to under the LMH rules to homologate, any more and they don’t.
Yeah, basically they’re moving what downforce they would make with the rear wing to the floor. The new rules have a max limit of 4.0:1 for the L:D (which is pretty shitty for a closed wheel car) and fairly open rules for the floor itself (you still have to run the plank, though) so it’s not that impressive of a feat…
All drivers must have the first name Kyle.
Whitetrash gonna whitetrash.
Yeah, not really an oval, more like “pill shaped”.
Correct. People confuse it probably because the somewhat incorrect units get applied (mass like lbs, kg) when we really should be using force like Newtons.
The Bentley EXP Speed 8 came to mind, but whatever you’re into man.
It’s called lift-to-drag ratio. You try to maximize how many kg of downforce (negative lift) you are getting per kg of drag at a given speed. More bias towards downforce tends to pay more dividends as you can “carry the speed”, i.e. brake later and less (drag actually helps here) BECAUSE you can enter the corner…
The Supra has always looked like a regularly proportioned sports car (like an RX-7) having an allergic reaction to a bee sting.
Too serious. The appeal is that it’s just scale cars rolling around with all these personalities and backstories and bullshit made up for it.