All hail the invisible hand, amiright??
Pretty sure capitalism has a higher body count.... but, keep up your important work.
smdh before people say they aren’t feminists they should learn what feminism actually i s.
yessss! so good! yessss!
I’m sure this show will be silly and obnoxious but I don’t find the idea of men examining masculinity and “gender” to be laughable or “sexist” as so many people seem to be arguing here. As a radical feminist I love the idea of creating space for men to comfortably talk about how they experience gender and negotiate…
I am sorry about you’re history of trauma and hope the future offers healing. That being said, prison is a trauma in and of itself and it, in no way, should be thought of as a beacon of equality and fair treatment.
I have a feeling you also think pride parades are examples of “sore winning.” Damn.
I feel like demi has #nochill
lucky! what did you study?
“sore winners.” HAHAHA
i have destroyed myself by thinking those exact thoughts: that maybe I could have saved someone by going to the police. but we didn’t turn to the police for a reason- we did what we could to survive and we are.
same. ten years ago. i was 15.
you are cracking me up! thank you!!!
also lol you have edited your comment so many times ugh this is boring
To be honest, I started to write a n o t h e r critique of your overtly hostile and undoubtedly sexist arguments- for some reason believing that maybe you really weren’t aware of how fucked up you have been- but I have finally realized that your misogyny is not accidental or unrecognized but something that you…
Actually, feminism recognizes that all systems of oppression are intertwined and that abolishing sexism will not become a reality in less all types of oppression are also eradicated. A feminist perspective that does not include an anti-racism analysis and intersectional praxis is not feminist. That being said,…
What an outstanding display of humility and maturity! There is no getting anywhere with you. I hope that someday you develop the capacity of self-introspection and critique.
please define the parts of my comment that are “extremist.” thx.
Not surprised you decided to address 0% of my comment and instead derail the conversation with a point that I never disagreed with and doesn’t have anything to do with the back and forth we continually have. I get it, you don’t like being called out- but you’re always quick to tear others down so I suggest you learn…