
The agenda of TLJ was to make tons of money, The same agenda as every box office movie. To that end it is succeed. It’s the 2nd highest grossing Star Wars movie of ALL TIME. And 13th highest grossing movie of all time. Also a best seller in DVD, Blue Ray and Digital download. Not the makings of a movie disliked. Also

I remember right after Disney announced they bought Star Wars, Bob Iger said that he would see to it personally that there was a new Star Wars movie every year going forward.

I really don’t understand why so many people cant see the ideology of the First Order. It seemed pretty obvious from The Force Awakens and carried over to Last Jedi. Its a Fanatical Death Cult. Just like the Nazis.

Civilization 2

The army would start quartering troops in people houses...

I can’t tie a tie.

Some people have the idiotic fantasy that with their guns, they at any moment will march up to the Washington DC and take the government.

Perhaps its just the way I process information, but I don’t see anything particularly controversial in that tweet.

When I was in college, the primary complaint from students (and Faculty) was their wasn’t enough parking or dorms. So the university saved up, sourced a whole bunch of addition funding, got a few loans, and built a STADIUM...

The think I find most odd about this whole thing is that people seem shocked that “Neil deGrasse Tyson” might be a weird ass guy.  

Sorry there but is that;“New Media” or “News Media”?

I think it was after the first 15 appointments, before the staff stopped asking if I was the father of the baby.  

Most of this average is made up of rich people.

Star Wars is simply a different beast then the Marvel movies. I see no need for them to operate under the same model or strategy.    

I was technically off by a very small amount. But what proportionately little amount the difference is, still warrants some pitchforks and torches.

Amazon paid NO TAXES in 2018... 

The did improve the EU.
The Jedi Academy Trilogy by Kevin J. Anderson was finally nullified.  

At the time I thought Star Trek: Voyager was going to have Harry Kim and Tom Paris become evolve to a romantic pairing. I thought it could have worked we.

My suspicion is that Joe Biden will be the 2020 elections Jeb Bush.  

Part of this strangulating effect in the US is that while wages have basically not gone up, the government services and protections that was necessary for the public in general to get by has been vastly reduced. College used to be free or low cost nearly everywhere. Hospitals were required to be non-profit.