
Whichever candidate runs as the Democratic Party candidate, they MUST be a populist candidate, or they will lose to Trump...

I would prefer we have a lot of Progressive and Democratic candidates go all the way through the primary process, where they all debat, and talk about issues an such, which then leads to the essential development of the collective direction for which the party and the winning candidate will uses as the messaging and

I really liked it.
My wife Liked it.
My 5-year old son gives it an A+.

Bing middle aged my reflexes are far too slow for the game and everything moves so fast I think a game seems blurry to me most of the time. My skill aint great either. The Art, style and Cartoonish world is amusing as heck.

Johnny Depp isn’t exactly the only actor with a problematic past that has stared in a Harry Potter movie.

Lets all hope Elon doesn’t buy a Casino. He seems the type that could get a taste for drinking urine.

I’m not good enough for any of these nerf’s to matter. However I do think it would be nice an kindly of them to make Genji’s Dragon blade 3rd-person view.

Going to a restaurants described as “Trendy”, and complaining that the servers talk in a particular way, seems a lot like going to Hooters, and complaining there are scantly clad women who work as servers.

If historical accuracy is the issue, then I suppose the game will make sure there are virtually no battles, with the vast majority of conflicts being sieges. Plus 90% of all casualties will be from sickness, and the stability of your food and supplies. 

That is not a bad idea.

Where we are now, isn’t a solution.

I figured plenty more details would need to be worked out. What are your ideas that COULD be a solution? BRAINSTORMING time.

-Its a secondary guard against the length a judge will serve. It makes retirement by death in office more possible
-Encurages oppointies have had very long lives of legal service and experience.
-The idea that you become a supreme Judge is is an end of a long life of serving. Making its even more of a prestige position.

Members will need to convince others. The supreme court only takes up cases it wants too, which the vote on... so to hear or decide any case at all will be one that will at least already have to cross over at the entry.

Also by making the court completely even, you remove all benefit of stacking the court. Once

I am devising an Amendment Proposal of what I think would reform issues with stacking the court: (please some one steal it and make it into something.) I think there is a lot of room for improvement. Especially by some one who actually knows anything about law.

In school cheating is very practical. Because what matters most is the Grade, not what or how well you learn. In most schools if you demonstrate the ability to learn and master 70% of the material, you get put on academic probation, and eventually kicked out.

The thing that I really liked, and conceptually found fascinating is how we are able to see the human lands as being completely mixed of ethnicities, but as its been hundreds of years they are fully integrated. (ehm, OR are they?) So much future story potential. I imagine similarly the elves will be in the same

What deems additional services you need also depends on a variety of circumstances.

$15/hr would be the barest, in the most lowest potential. I personally would advocate for far higher. But if we can get the bottom floor raised to an amount that even pretends to be more reasonable then progress has been made a little.  Then you work to raise it again, and so forth. 

Well technically, unless you are rich no one can live without government assistance of some sort and at some level... It’s just in this country, we force people to do so anyway. That is even with $15/hr.