Not impossible... But very very hard. The first Anti-Trust laws weren’t easily to get in place.
Not impossible... But very very hard. The first Anti-Trust laws weren’t easily to get in place.
The trailers make it looks so bad... but I think it could be amusing.
I am not sure any of this would matter, as most of Batman’s rouges gallery have all ready been convicted of other crimes, and sentenced to prison.
They could cast “Alicia Witt” as Jessica in this one.
The case with Star Trek is even more problematic, In that it rather was aggravating seeing Kirk essentially fail his way from promotion to promotion up the chain of command. Sort of exactly like the type of thing would expressly NOT inspire greatness from personnel under his command.
Admiral Ackbar Screen time.
The amount of protest votes was insignificant. Pretty much everybody was all in.
I thought how Luke was portrayed in The Last Jedi was masterful. He was such a badass, overpowering, great lines, and had the best death his character could have possibly have had.
Star Wars is a weird situation, in that its actually kind of hard to really argue about any one bad or problematic thing in any one movie, as is the fact that every single one of them have tons of problems with regard, to plot, flow, story, and well everything.
Please provide comprehensive bullet point list, what inquires of “Getting it”.
I like that idea.
That ending is only 1 out of the 3.
That’s about the same price as 350 failed Solo films.
Simple inclusion in one line,
Innocent until proven guilty mostly exists only for the rich.
In the past, while Star Wars Movies have been in general limited supply, Star Wars had been well over saturated in every other way many decades ago.
I don’t mind DLC, as long as its completely optional content. A released game should however stand on its own.
The computer advancement is very impressive. You can buy over 1,000 of them for the price of your old machine.
I bought a computer in 1998. Top of the line Pentium Processor, and I paid extra for that 32 MB of RAM, and 250 MB hard drive
Today my Phone; Quad Core processor, 2 GB of RAM, 64 GB hard drive. And I got it 2 years ago, and it was not top of line even then.
The first edition of the game was called “Cyberpunk 2013". The 2nd Edition is “Cyberpunk 2020". We already are 5 years passed the time of the original version of the game.