
I was waiting for them to show the kids the 30 lives code entered... That would have been a fun reaction.

That will be no problem. Quick matches are just fine for me. I play for fun, not competition. Not that I got a chance of competing in the first place, I’ll never be good enough to do Ranked ANYTHING.

I’ve gotten into this game lately. Honestly though I don’t see my self even spending a dime on this game. That’s not to knock it, I really like the game. In fact I see little need to even spend the in game gold either. I don’t see the whole hero rotation thing as an issue. I don’t mind switching up characters every so

It may be an age thing. I simply couldn’t get my self to play any of the Final Fantasy games after FF3 (FF6). I didn’t think I last more then 2 hours off FF7 or FF8 . I’ve been Final Fantasy clean ever since.

Sid Meier’s Starships and Heroes of the Storm “Beta” are my go to games right now. Both favor quick games, and low time commitment. Life is busy and warm weather is finally here.

I had heard awhile ago that Adam Sandler checked out of his own movies a long time ago, but only keeps making them because studios keep pushing truckloads of money his way.

Loved this game when it first came out. I like the idea of a soft shooter, and the art style was awesome. I think the whole Pay-to-Win model is problematic in design (often called Free-to-Play). When I play a multi-player game with other people I’m NOT playing to WIN. I am playing to HAVE FUN. That means you win and

Please be considerate that there are people who frequent the web who have things like Dysgraphia or other conditions which makes things like spelling and grammar VERY difficult. Constantly facing Grammar Police kind of gets old, like decades ago.

Another typo on my part: (Its like I am not a pro)

She looks a lot like my wife did when she was in college. Eerie!

She looks a lot like my wife did when she was in college. Eerie!

I read Blogs by PhD scientists, successful writers, and journalists all the time. They all have typos and errors quite regularly too.

She looks a lot like my wife when she was in collage. Erie.

I welcome the retro trend. Always liked side scrollers and the 80 style game music. I am a total succor for 8-bit and 16-bit design styles.

Revolutionary Girl Utena

I think people are being a little too harsh on this game.

Before jumping the gun on a Half-Life 3 doesn't Valve need to first put out a Half-Life Episodes Part 3.

Most reasonable list. I've been a long time fan of Anita Sarkeesian's work. I think if game developers addressed the issues in her list it can lead to improving story in games, bring more interesting characters, and new forms of game play. Addressing these issues are not only good for females characters (and

People still play this game. I think my character was something around 25 level when I finished it. There can't really be 1000+ levels of game play there.

I think they should do a 2 hour length version of "The Hobbit".