
Surprised there hasn't been one like this yet.

This is why I often explain to my friends that they should support and demand Universal Healthcare and Mandatory Sick Days for everyone for just pure selfishness. If others are are in good health they don't make you sick. I my self wish good health to others, but those who don't should still demand it for nothing

She is awesome! I can't get enough of people making successes like this. She is inspiring.

I really enjoyed Prince of Persia. Removing the constant treat of death and restarting over helped make game play flow much better. Often its not that death is the punishment for making a mistake its the having to wait through a load screen or two, plus a reload a saved game, etc. That is very frustrating. People

Next Guideline

It still comes down to the same fact that a women model was ultimately not included. Its actually quite relevant. The reason is they have just shown is that they Don't Care about women by not doing your suggestions. I mean they just came out and implied the women character weren't worth the time or money to bother

I think pretty much the disclusion of women has got to be the #1 issue with the game industry right now. Which is clearly why this revelation is causing a stir. Race is primary the only other big issue I can think of at the moment comes up. Seems equally relevant to me.

Oh good god NO!!! The boxes alone take up so much space, and as you get more games it just clutters up selves, closets, then rooms. I am not even that big of gamer anymore. (Lack of time) I remember the infamous Wing Commander 4 box quite dreadingly. That sucker was the size of a cereal box. Then all the

I almost stopped playing Halo 3 before it started, because the opening made no bloody sense. I apparently had to buy a book, or comic book, or something to know why it supposedly made sense. That simply wasn't going to happen. A game MUST be able to stand on its own. Anything else is additional.

Trent Shepard. Vanguard.

My only hope is that Thrawn trilogy remains included. Considering that the next movie is going to be some 30+ years after Return of the Jedi, they could easily keep those characters and threads and still be free enough to do what every they want. Thrawn would have been long defeated, and Mara would be just another

Mass Effect 3