
Me think me speak for many, many readers when me say writers who keep this site going in future not really issue, as this is last time me will click on site that me loved for so many years. G/O has destroyed beloved cultural institution — gutting this site akin to bulldozing Sesame Street, and me for one not would be

That was always how I operated when I was in apartments, too. If it was just me or just me and my significant other, we always hand washed. It was just quicker and didn’t use any more or less water than our ancient, inefficient dishwasher. If I had people over and had a bunch of dishes, then they would go in the

My wife was used to handwashing since her parents washer broke and they couldn’t afford a new one or get it fixed. When we moved into our first apartment I don’t think we used the washer for the first year. It was just the two of us and we had so few dishes that it was quicker to just hand wash. We only started using

It seems like in all the prestige drama and action movie hullabaloo, people have started to forget that Bob Odenkirk is one of the world’s all-time great comedy bellowers. 

I live alone. I wash my dishes by hand after every meal to avoid dried on oatmeal and congealed milk skin in the bottom of the glasses. I don’t leave the water running while I scrub the food off. 

I live alone. I run the dishwasher every 7-10 days. If I don’t rinse my dishes there’s no way that week old dried on oatmeal in the bowls and congealed milk skin in the bottoms of the glasses is coming out. I’ve tried. It’s not pretty. Maybe if I had a “modern dishwasher” this would be the case. But my dishwasher is

Dowd flourishes his cape and disappears into the dark of night one last time. Godspeed, sir. Until the critic-signal appears in the clouds again, we’ll be watching.

I once begrudged your middling reviews and I sought to wonder why. I thought, “What’s this guy’s deal?”, “Is there nothing he likes?”, “Is he a little pretentious?” and so I ultimately wondered “What kind of movie actually affords an A from this guy?”
I had scour through about 2 years of reviews to find about 10 films

Hey folks. I just wanted to drop in and say thank you to everyone here for all the kind words, and also for reading what I’ve written at The A.V. Club these past nine years. I know I wasn’t always the most consistent presence in the comments, even before the Kinja transition, but I dipped in fairly regularly, and for

Because of Dowd, Vishnevetsky, and sometimes jesse, film coverage–specifically reviews–were pretty much the only thing that kept alive the old open-minded-but-critical spirit of AV Club. Depressing to see it go away entirely.

A- minus reflection on a C+ review.

Considering that Radcliffe is the only celebrity I know to have gone on a major talk show and sung a Tom Lehrer song, I can think of far worse people to play Al. He seems like he “gets” it in the right way.

The people in the interview kept talking about “their neighborhood”. You’re the interlopers, folks....your houses were built in Hank’s neighborhood.

Damn right

I came here to say that Prince performing in the rain was the best. Ever. I can’t really see it being topped.

JLo and Shakira’s performance may have been “pandemic era” in the sense that Covid had started to spread but it had barely touched the US at the point of the 2020 Super Bowl so I’m not sure it was at all relevant to that show.

I found ten errors in this article:

Or just don’t have him perform. I haven’t been to Cochella but I have been to other music festivals and the super major headliners and their fans ruin the experience. There are smaller artists (and probably better) who deserve a chance to shine who are playing at the same time.

Stop sitting side-by-side. I, at the next table, sitting across from my spouse, like a normal person, do not want to have to see both of you on either side of her head, staring directly at me every time you get bored or are chewing.

Not saying this is the case for everyone, but after waiting tables for many years in the late 90s/early aughts, side-by-side couples always gave off big “... and the lady will have the salad” energy.