
Aw man he was Roz’s estranged husband on “Night Court”:

Brendon Small interviewed him last year for Shout Factory - he looked and sounded dang good for 95:

Who? - Be11ona

I only saw them once in a smaller campus venue but that venue’s ceiling was visibly stained right through my second degree at the same campus until they renovated it after I graduated.

My brother and I still randomly look at each other and say “Forty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety five... sheep...” if we’re really tired.

I think “Born in the USA” is still #1 but RATM is definitely a strong #2.

Also Hans Zimmer.

You must live in my neck of the woods. They were shooting close to my office for a few weeks last year - had a few peeks at street level and from my window at a two-block stretch of downtown that they made into a post-apocalyptic set. It was neat to watch things progress but was a bit like seeing the sausage being

Japan has a competition based on recognizing a set of 100 famous poems as quickly as possible:

That might depend on how you qualify who counts, but Alan White of Yes:

How do you write an article about the best of Bob’s Burgers without a single mention of Marshmallow?

Keep the band, writers and technical crew and the occasional appearance by Nick Bernstein.

I would watch Corden Minus Corden.


Foley’s always had boyish features but every time I’ve seen them live, it’s Brucio’s butter-smooth skin that grabs my attention.  It’s like his skin ages at half the rate of everyone else’s.

In Canada people of a certain vintage know this as the Bob and Doug rule and it applies to everything. Thus in metric a six-pack is 42 beers.  *Metric* beers.

There’s at least one absolute tearjerker soaring ballad on every album and I love them for it.

Often.  In the car.  On video calls.  In public especially.  She has a milestone birthday next year and there is no way we’re not recreating the video on her lawn.

Also this is absolutely what friends are for, one of my friends and I have been springing bad impromptu renditions of Kate Bush’s “Wuthering Heights” on another friend for going on 25 years now.