
I worked for Hum’s record company’s marketing department when “You’d Prefer an Astronaut” was released and it was probably my favourite least successful title that I worked.  I’m so glad “Inlet” didn’t disappoint me.

Kenney would like to have a word with you before you get too comfortable with the situation ‘round here.

I read it about four times as “bong in zero” before reading it as “boingo” twice and then “buongiorno” twice and THEN “Bongino”.

I get more of a “Piano Man” vibe overall (C major, descending chords, triple time) but I hear it in the opening.

...I’ll be in my bunk.

I’ve been told the male equivalent of a “Karen” is a “Kyle”, a “Chad”, a “Greg”, an “Ian”...  The male archetype has been around just as long as the female, yet we have no singular generally-agreed upon pejorative slang term for it.

Funny as it was, I watched it a second time with auto-generated subtitles and it may actually have been funnier.

I think I have you beat - I have a copy of TLOU in plastic for my PS3.  I know my brother gave it to me at some point but I have no idea when - it would have to have been at least five years ago.

My mom’s said that one of the most basic human needs is someone you can talk about your poop with.  Whenever I tell someone this, their faces light up and I become That Person They Can Discuss Their Poop With.  

Can I take Cavill-Armie back to my bunk?

I hope she was as much fun to interview as I imagine she would be, she’s a friggin’ icon.

Also I completely neglected to catch this during the credits, but Martin Mull was the salesperson?  That’s a get.

Also Jon Daly as Dom Lippo.  And always nice to hear Melissa Bardin Galsky pop up now and again.

Linda getting unhinged is very on-brand. It was nice to see Tina push back a little and Dove’s little sigh when she wouldn’t leave was so well-timed and it was nice to see Laraine Newman’s name in the credits. Also the reveal at the end that SPOILER Tammy never left her hotel room in NYC caught me off-guard and got a

I just wrapped up the weekend by watching Bob’s Burgers and I really miss the reviews here.

It’s like a mantra in my family.  My mom and I started saying “MY PEN! MY PEN!” at the bank last year and cracked each other up.  The people around us - not so much...