I’m excited, but no Switch Pro :(
I’m excited, but no Switch Pro :(
So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.
Her family is not Spanish and moved to Spain to retire. The fact that she gave another impression tells you all you need to know.
Well, no. Vacationing in Mallorca with your rich American family does not make a Massachusetts prep school graduate named Hillary into someone who would say “How do you sayee in eengleesh ‘coocumber?’” It’s not like visiting your relatives in Georgia and coming back saying “ya’ll” for a week.
Baldwin says she went by “Hilary” in the U.S. and “Hilaria” in Spain because “neither name sounded good in the other language.”
yeah, this is exactly my point. i’m not calling this dangerous and potentially murderous woman a “karen.”
I’m happy to say that with the re-edits, despite Sherry Pie’s presence, I am still able to enjoy the show. Leslie should be a guest judge on every show there is on TV.
She also directly addressed any concerns or questions fans had in regard to her decision not to self-isolate from her husband.
Seriously, what is the problem with this website? Stop spoiling shows immediately... at least put the picture inside the article so we can check it if we want to, but don’t have to be immediately smacked in the face with a picture of the spoiler.
Let me first say that I got no dog in this hunt; but maybe living with his mother is the safest place for him right now.
This has been pointed out to Jez writers before but they conveniently ignore it because it doesn’t fit their irrational-hatred-of-Pete-Davidson agenda. Nor does the fact that with his mental health issues, it makes sense for him to have a close relative living nearby.
I think it’s important to note that Pete lives in the basement of the house he bought for his mom, not just “his mom’s basement.”
She should be able to trot around with her butt out at a family-friendly event; Americans could stand to be less prudish.
Ugh, tears. I didn’t realize how seminal she and her music were for me until a few years ago when it hit me that I would never experience that hair-rising chill when hearing her voice in a new song. We really take artists for granted. Celebrities... on the other hand... pffft.
It seems a little weird to have an article about a performer being erased from videos that doesn’t include a picture of the performer?
The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...
“I’m always super surprised by people married to predators who don’t seem to realize it. How much interalized misogyny must someone have before they accept some behaviour is beyond the pale.”
Remember, you may have taken time out of your day, but your interviewers (usually plural) all took time out of their much busier days (remember, they’re hiring managers) to meet with you.
Why is this show “deeply problematic?” I am assuming it has to do with whiteness, as this is how white people code for “too many white people”