
Give me a break. A very good friend of mine growing up had a father who was a cop. Sincerely great guy. I would bet my life that he wasn’t “dreaming of the chance to plug someone”, because that’s an insane statement. “All police officers actively participate in a system that shields bad actors and are therefore at

There are LOTS of issues with basically everything surrounding police in this country, but this is an absolutely idiotic generalization. Not every cop “dreams for the chance to plug someone”. That’s insane. 

I’m at least 90% sure Grant said “vanity fair” referring to the phrase that would be bashing the entire celebration of the industry, and not Vanity Fair the publication. 

This is a ridiculous take. What Rock did was stupid and wasn’t funny. That doesn’t make it OK to jump up on stage and smack him. At all. Period. They could have sued? Seriously? No, they could not have. The only person in that situation who could have been sued was Smith, and I don’t even think that’s in question.

Another reminder that reusing the same post for this over and over literally killed ALL discussion about these deals. It’s a real shame, because the old discussion about which were good and people’s experiences using them was excellent, and now there are almost literally no comments ever. The newest comment is from 10

Another reminder that reusing the same post for this over and over literally killed ALL discussion about these

Frustrated and disappointed at the game’s success is absolutely fine. No issues with that stance whatsoever. Same with unfollowing/unsubscribing to a streamer who promotes the game, if you feel you should do that. Again, totally respect that. Death threats and urging suicide are not fine, and should not be defended,

You know that just posting your translation of someone’s take and laughing at it isn’t an argument, right?

Setting aside everything else, arguing that death threats and telling someone online to kill themselves isn’t harassment is a stupid defense. As is the “harassing people leads to oppression” take that person had, but that doesn’t make your mocking correct.

I’m not sure who you’re faulting here. The person I was talking about told Naughty Dog to not let the TV station get away with editing the show. My point was that the most that the HBO side could have done would be to not allow the TV station to show the episode at all, rather than showing an edited version. The TV

Of course he should have known better. Obi-Wan should have known better too. His attachments were also nothing to be shunned. This isn’t a new event, it’s a constant recurrence of the dumbass Jedi ways that has happened over and over again. It’s an indictment of the Order. 

To be fair, they could have said no, they won’t change it, and if they don’t like that, feel free to not air it. That’s taking more of a stand. I was more making fun of the fact that it seems like that person though that 1. The station was changing the show in secret and that the publisher/distributer wasn’t aware,

It wasn’t though. This is a recurring thing with the Jedi, not some kind of bad writing. Obi-Wan had a history with Satine, he said he’d have left the order for her, but he still went back to his “no attachments” mantra afterward, because the Jedi are stubborn and are convinced they should stick to their ways.

The “Don’t let them get away with this” reaction is pretty ridiculous given that they almost certain were given permission to cut it in exchange for not blocking the episode altogether. That tends to be how these things work.

No, gaslighting is an active behavior. If you’re assuming you’re not good enough with that character AND assuming all characters start at zero, that’s something you’re doing. The game does not tell you that, while also behaving in a different way. There are multiple steps missing for this to actually be gaslighting.

No, gaslighting based on the score would be if the game told the player all racers were weighted the same, and that the player must be imaging that they’re being penalized for being a certain character. The player “feeling tricked or lied to” doesn’t make it gaslighting. Gaslighting is about convincing the person

Definitely, but also I would say most are just generally insulting without being specific to a race/ethnicity/other such trait, so I could see him knowing it was an insult, but not the specifics. Still stupid of him, but I could see this being a sincere explanation. 

All things considered, this is a pretty good apology. No “if I offended anyone” type of thing. “I said it because I’d heard it before and didn’t know what it meant. I’m mortified that I said it now that I do know what it meant. I know it hurt people, I’m sorry, I’m trying to be better and to educate myself.” It’s a

But in this case it is...The entire point they made was that they know the term as one used to describe white people. In the case of one single character, it’s different, but the explanation said that it’s a race-based description. I’m not personally offended, but your answer doesn’t make sense in the context of this

Good lord, ENOUGH with the “You’re Doing X Wrong” titles! There have been at least 3 within a day or 2 of one another. It’s getting ridiculous. Come up with a real headline. 

I think they’re not humans anymore though. They’re a human shell filled with fungus, so there aren’t really any working human parts that need to be fueled the way human parts do. Only fungal parts surrounding a messed-up human skeleton.