
It doesn’t “count for Biden”, I’m not sure what that even means. Biden was calling for $2000 stimulus since well before he was elected. Trump managed to get $600 of that. The difference is $1400. I’m not sure what the issue is here. I don’t work for the administration, I have no benefit of selling you on “promises

They were talking about the plan sending people $2000. The relief plan had sent the preliminary $600, but it was still part of the same plan. It was clarified pretty early on in the talks. I’m all for calling out hypocrisy, but I really don’t think this is a bait-and-switch. If they don’t get the $1400 checks out, or

I agree. I think there are 2 different arguments being presented here. From a narrative standpoint, there should absolutely be situations where things don’t go the way of the protagonists, if it’s meant to be realistic. But the people saying it’s wrong to change the code of a fake game to make a character interested

Of course you can’t hit every possible style of pizza, but this struck me as a particularly egregious omission, given some of the travesties of pizza that actually made the list.

You’re talking about 2 tangentially related issues though. Should she be allowed to keep her natural hair? Absolutely, no question. Is the fact that she works at a place where that’s not an option the reason, or even an excuse, for what she did? Not even close. People are criticizing her and not her employer because

That was my big disappointment there. The action around them was moving at a decent clip, but the ride itself was crawling. I understand the logistics of it, but if the ride is supposed to feel like a race, it’s a tough sell to have it moseying down the track like that, while the AR karts are zipping around. Maybe it

I feel like every single person who interacts with these types of posts make fun of them. Do people actually buy these things, or do they just like the sentiment and therefore like it, regardless of how ridiculous it sounds?

Yeah, I agree with this. It’s NEVER used by anyone I talk to in place of other punctuation. It’s used to express confusion or annoyance.

Oh sorry, the Nintendo Switch accessory deals are all showing for me as full price, or at least higher than the prices listed. I checked a few days ago when they were first posted, and I did see the prices listed, so I don’t think it’s a regional thing or anything like that.

Oh sorry, the Nintendo Switch accessory deals are all showing for me as full price, or at least higher than the

Came here to suggest these. Got them as a gift, so I can’t really say how much the price stings, but man are they nice.

Came here to suggest these. Got them as a gift, so I can’t really say how much the price stings, but man are they

The Gamestop sale referenced here wasn’t going on yesterday anymore, let alone today. It’s been over for more than 24 hours, so those prices should really not be in this roundup.

The Gamestop sale referenced here wasn’t going on yesterday anymore, let alone today. It’s been over for more than

Classic Dharma Initiative branding.

I’m going to play this for sure, but MAN is Nintendo terrible at sequel titles sometimes. What a stupid name.

What’s the purpose of the “Deals you may have missed” section if the other sections are already full of deals that have been in every one of these posts for the last week?

What’s the purpose of the “Deals you may have missed” section if the other sections are already full of deals that

But that word is currently used as a slur. Not one person has ever sincerely used the term “blacklist” in reference to the race. It’s not a “words meanings change over time” situation. Master/slave I’m fine moving away from, because those words obviously have a connotation, but the “white” and “black” in whitelist and

You do need to replace them eventually, but they last quite a long time, and you can replace a pair of rechargeable AAs for maybe $6, so in the long run, it’s much cheaper. The convenience aspect is up for debate, because I would love to just connect a cable and keep going, or dock it when I’m done, rather than

That makes way more sense. Still less intuitive, in my opinion, but less cluttered chaos than I’ve seen from some people’s phones.

As an Android user “since the dawn of time”, I’m legitimately asking, and not trying to start any stupid mobile wars, but you’ve had to have every icon for every app installed on your phone on a home screen? I’m not Apple fan, but generally their UI decisions seem based around simplifying things to the extreme for an

I don’t think it was intentional, but it sounds like they knew about it, and either couldn’t fix it in time, or didn’t bother, and that advice is a work around to cover themselves. This has to be the worst of the issues. Crashing is annoying, but this is a pretty devastating bug.

Sincere question, not trying to be a dick. A moccasin is a style of shoe. How is wearing a style of show “cultural appropriation”? As far as I know, it’s just a style of shoe used by Native Americans, it isn’t a style of shoe that has a particular significance to that culture. Cultural appropriation is absolutely a

Sincere question, not trying to be a dick. A moccasin is a style of shoe. How is wearing a style of show “cultural