
The backpack is listed as $45 in the text, but $35 in the caption of the photo. The real price is $45.

The backpack is listed as $45 in the text, but $35 in the caption of the photo. The real price is $45.

Agreed, but I think a lot of people here are being unreasonable one way or the other. There’s nothing wrong with asking, but if they turn you down, the answer is no. It doesn’t matter why they said no, it’s their choice.

I know, something something stock photos, but why can’t gaming ads ever use people who know what they’re doing? That’s not one of the many, many ways you can use a Switch controller.

I know, something something stock photos, but why can’t gaming ads ever use people who know what they’re doing?

Oh I see. I was thinking along the lines of how I think if you turn in a quest for 100 rep alone vs. turning it in in a group of 4, I THINK (not certain) that everyone still gets the full 100 rep that way. But if they’re just handing off the items and aren’t grouping up with him, then yes, they’re sacrificing. Thanks.

I know that’s the case for WoW, I was talking about Sea of Thieves.

I don’t think you sacrifice your own XP though. I could be wrong, but I think if you turn in a quest that gets you x rep alone, or with others, everyone involved still gets x rep.

Me too. I remember a great Cracked article, I think, back in the day, which said that the “Black people like fried chicken” stereotype is incredibly stupid, because of course they do, because everyone likes fried chicken, because it’s delicious. I could not agree more. I would love some chicken.

I agree that they should follow the rules, but these people aren’t looking out for anyone. They’re on a weird power trip, and they need to chill out. No one is complaining about actual Twitch employees banning people for violating the rules, they’re complaining about these vigilante weirdos.

To be fair, the last part is a continuation from the beginning of the sentence, which you didn’t include. She cheated “maybe once, probably a year or two ago”. The fact that that means the sentence just plain says that nobody cares about Mario Kart is another story.

You can disable location tracking, but you literally will not be able to use the app. I doubt it’s against the TOS, but you have to reenable to be able to check in for any theater, so this is essentially useless advice.

I don’t think they mean that it does do that, just that it can do that.

Yeah, I don’t think that’s how that subreddit works. It would have needed a “and if you disagree, fight me”.

I disagree with a ton of her past statements, but “I’m sorry, I’d take it back if I could, hate me if you want, but talk to your kids because bullying is a problem.” is pretty much exactly the correct response to this backlash. The rest of the defensiveness aside, this statement is a good one.

Man, the controls for Red Steel were so good. It’s such a shame the game didn’t turn out to be as good.

That’s classic White Knighting and social justice warrior-ing, just like you’d expect from the very conservative. Wait... What?

I agree that it was fine, but the show has established a pretty high bar, and “fine” stuck out as worse than the normal level of quality to me.

So people know that they can leave a world and come back, that there’s stuff they can’t get until later. These are the spoilers I like. If I can obtain something, I want to work to figure it out, but I don’t want to burn a bunch of time trying to get an item that I literally can’t get yet.

I love buying digital, but it’s more expensive 99+% of the time, which sucks. Basically every Switch game is 60 bucks digitally if it was ever 60 bucks.

Every time that controller comes up, it says “for your new Xbox One”. I know it’s the updated version for the newer console, but will it still work for the original version of the One? It has the Bluetooth connection, but it’ll still connect to the old non-bluetooth consoles, right?

Every time that controller comes up, it says “for your new Xbox One”. I know it’s the updated version for the newer

Those predictions did not come from anyone who had ever seen a Mayweather fight before. He has, what, 1 knockout in the last 15 years or something? And almost all of his fights go at least most of the distance. He’s an incredible fighter, but his talents aren’t in areas that make that a good prediction.