I’m not even going to touch the irony of your post. I’m not sure if you’re a troll or if you’re serious, but either way...
I’m not even going to touch the irony of your post. I’m not sure if you’re a troll or if you’re serious, but either way...
But...but...but what if it was “Dear BLACK People”? Can you imagine? But seriously, no one is cancelling Netflix. How would they watch their Duck Dynasty or whatever highbrow entertainment they like?
I believe it’s for climbing up, not for plummeting down.
His opponent didn’t do it. Don’t be a dick, shake his hand, and then bash the crap out of the people running the tournament for screwing it up.
Wait, are they different?!? They seemed to all be the same huge block of insanity.
They’re not reporting it as news, they’re reporting is as unverified information that is currently relevant. If they said “This is real and actually happened”, THAT would be reporting it as news. That the documents exist is news. But yeah, let’s take a misunderstanding of what news is and let that make it OK to do…
That’s exactly the problem. They asked Comey about this report and he said “I would never comment on an ongoing investigation.” Oh really? Where was that standard 2 months ago?
This was my thought reading it as well. He’s a horrible person, the company is 100% right shutting him down, but I don’t think there’s much of a legal case, at least strictly based on what’s in the article. It’s not illegal to be a huge dick.
You’re lucky then. Playing during the winter event, I ran into it in at least 50% of the games I played. It was brutal.
This article misunderstands how Rotten Tomatoes works. It’s not 95/100 score, it means that 95% of people gave it a passing score. If a movie is universally viewed as 70/100, it would get 100% on RT.
I totally agree. I’ve been on his side for a lot of the controversies. He’s clearly a really smart guy who plays insanely hard, but he really seems like he’s also a dick.
I would also note that Sleeping Dogs for sure, and possibly also Tomb Raider, although it may have been a different Tomb Raider, we free with Gold at some point, so check your library before you buy, in case, like me, you’ve claimed them but never played them.
I would also note that Sleeping Dogs for sure, and possibly also Tomb Raider, although it may have been a different…
Are there additional requirements for the Pantry deal? I have $80 in my cart, and when I enter the code, I get “The promotional code you entered cannot be applied to your purchase.”
Are there additional requirements for the Pantry deal? I have $80 in my cart, and when I enter the code, I get “The…
Agreed. Whether you agree with them or not, the points are at least well thought out. It’s not garbage because it disagrees with you.
Am I correct in thinking there’s no way to get the disc without the cable? I owned the first game and 2014 for 360, so I have 2 cables. I’d like to get the Xbox One version, since I never use my 360 anymore, but I don’t want to pay for the bundle, but it seems like that might be my only option.
Am I correct in thinking there’s no way to get the disc without the cable? I owned the first game and 2014 for 360,…
I think there’s some merit to that statement, but really, they voted for him being he catered specifically to them. It’s a fine line, sure, and it doesn’t let them off the hook for supporting Trump, but I don’t think, for some, the intentions were to support their race, it was literally to support themselves, with…
“People who supported Trump based on jobs” aren’t inherently racists. That kind of thinking makes things worse. I get that it means they supported a racist, but being ignored by one side and having false promises thrown your way by the other is a great way to get sucked into those promises, regardless of the person…
Did you even read the article? The quote you just posted said they were moving that vehicle to Mexico, out of the plant in the Kentucky. The plant was not closing, so the Ford jobs in KY were not going anywhere. So Trump saying that he talked them into not closing the plant IS a blatant lie. The quote you used proved…
Apparently you didn’t get very far because there are plenty of left-leaning sources in that list. Also, there’s a difference between a slanted news source and a source posting verifiably untrue stories. Not defending the sites you mentioned, but a source being “left-leaning” doesn’t make it a fake news source, just…
I think you meant “isn’t being reported” based on the context of the rest of what you said. Normally not one to point out typos, but that’s a big one.