
1) I'm still madly in love with Christina Ricci
2) That is a terrible, terrible title
3) Is that Trump's son?

MetalSucks is the TMZ of metal news and attracts the worst racists and antisemites this side of a Trump rally. Never go there.


Let's all just agree that country music, pop music and the merging of the two is awful.

*puts trucknutz, Beyonce sticker on F-150*

They're special park bullets and only work on hosts.

Keep your milk out of my fucking eggs, you monster


You don't believe skinheads would slash up someone's arm?

Oh god that dubbing sounds like a little demon Seagal clone

I blame millennials.

Don't neck chop us!

"The rare Steven Seagal movie… so fucking bad… very distinct."

Hair like a carpet sample painted black.

Sounds awful. What a surprise.


Testosterone Supplement Doctors Don't Want You To Know About Taking America's Gyms By Storm
*picture of gross jellyfish-looking thing*

"You're hot. Let's fart together."

So the suit turns him into a cartoon?

YouTube is still the best for finding similar artists.