
Here is a Twilight Purple M3 for your viewing pleasure.

That truck looks so nekkid in the manufacturer pic.

Mopar does great car colors. Even the Dart comes in a wide range of vibrant finishes.

So it’s Mopar or no car..?

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I’ve complained about this for ages. It’s like living in a black and white movie. Black, white, silver, grey. All day, every day. Nobody has any goddamn imagination any more. “Oh it’s an easy colour to sell” is the usual excuse. No - it’s an easy colour to pick because it requires no goddamn brain power.

This is one of my in-car rant topics, where the rest of my family roll their eyes as they have only heard it 10,000 times before.

Black, white and grey silver. This was noted is a sci fi book I read a few years ago. The observation was made by one of the characters who could not believe how bland were the choices made by the owners. The other character replied it accurately reflected the buyer’s character and was not surprising.

I do wish that more automakers had like some sort of exclusivity option like “Paint to Sample”. I mean, Porsche introduced the 2012 911 GT3 RS 4.0 in ONLY black... and white.

This 1953 graphic makes me want to make America’s parking lots great again. Look at everyone, backing into parking spaces.

Great article Jason, and couldn’t agree more. I too, am sick of seeing parking lots filled to the brim with white, black, and silver.

It’s revolting.

I have to blame cops... as in, people don’t want to stand out to cops so they pick colors to blend in. I do it too. I would love to be able to buy brighter-colored vehicles, but it’s yet another thing to stand out and be a target of overzealous revenue enforcement. As a result, my truck is white and my car is a very

You sir have taste!

Amen. I’ll happily drive my Rally Yellow Colorado, My Electric Blue ION, and my Redline Red Dart. I’m so sick of grey, black and white I wanna puke.