Cyberbrain Sclerosis

That concludes my weekend run. As a longtime reader, who’s admired the Kotaku staff from afar, I have a greater appreciation for what they do on a daily basis. Thank you so much to the readers for your opinions, praise, and respectful disagreements.

I clarified that, I believe. I discussed it as Christian tradition, not gospel. And I even included that Catholics debate it, but no one considers any of its properties settled or canon. I am not a Catholic myself, but I did run it by a few Catholics as well.

Well, this is a deeply 1960s and 1970s, New Age-ish, mindset: the aliens will come along and save us from ourselves. Very prevalent during the Cold War and its Nuclear Sword of Damocles. And Mitchell had a kind of epiphany while riding back home from the Moon so, it’s not surprising to hear him say this.

I’m sure I’m going to flip-flop a LOT about Cap 3 in the next 9 months or so, but if my babies are all together, then that’s all I care about.

Yeah. I can’t even decide which I’d rather have: genderbent Strange, or genderbent Swinton.

Man Ant-Man is going to be like the Freshmen hanging out with all the Seniors at Lunch.

I imagine Joe Quesada jumping out of a truck, throwing confetti everywhere and shouting, “Divorces for everyone! Now you’re relatable! HEEHEEHAHAHAHAHOOHOOHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!”

Cap3. Officially 110% gayer than Cap2. I’m so happy!

You and me both, brother, you and me both.

I just recently got to the “I don’t give a fuck” level about showing my pale fat body. It’s so freeing to be able to go the beach and not even be bothered by what people are thinking. I went with my sister recently and she refused to walk down the beach without her cover-up on, and it was so weird to think that would

What Shit Are You Too Old For?

At what age are you allowed to stop doing bullshit things you no longer feel like doing with the excuse “I’m too old

Now playing

It’s from Kung Fury. The full movie is on Youtube. All 30 minutes of awesome.

Do we know for sure that Dinosaurs didn’t have laser eyes?