
Coming back to disclaim everything the current mafia wants disclaimed, that they claimed in their show before and is now out of political correctness, sedition "laws". Whilst at 60yo. looking as grey as the extra-terrestrials.

X-Files at 60yo….

NO !
We have evidence & sightings of extra-terrestrials.
But like most intelligent species traveling the universe, I'd stay off earth until we are mature enough to travel into space.

That's the number of likes on their one time porn 5min. flick.

If you regard JarJar Abrahams anything but a looney muppet out of George Lucas' play room, you don't know movies.

On other news, Pizza the Hutt became locked in his own room and ATE himself to Death.

Oh, yeah hello !
I remember this one.

There's actually 256 shades of gray but they picked on 50, discrimination.

Yeah, it was originally written by George Lucas and named Star Wars, stories were in books describing worlds beyond the known movies.

We want photo of monkey lizard.