I’m sorry. Were you wanting me to get outraged about this? Because I’m not. Fuck you if you drink and drive
I’m sorry. Were you wanting me to get outraged about this? Because I’m not. Fuck you if you drink and drive
Back in the 70's and 80's in upstate NY, the drinking age was 18, the limit was .1%, most kids had access to a car (usually an old piece of junk) and every yearbook began with an “In Memorium” section to the kids in that graduating class that died. Most of them from DUI; all of them alcohol related. My senior class in…
“If you have one drink, and drive within the hour,” he told KUTV, “you’re going to be over .05,” he said. “You’d have to be crazy under this law to have anything to drink and drive.”
“First, let’s be clear. Judaism is not a race. It is a religion.”
This isn’t true. Although you acknowledge that Jews are multiple races and ethnicities, we are not just a religion. This reduces Judaism to a set of beliefs. You can be an atheist Jew. Jews are a people. We don’t fit into a racial model or an ethnic one,…
and on a few occasions, clumsily declared, “If I hug you I might just want more.” My intent was to express restrained but genuine affection.
You’re doin’ great, champ!
Wow. Really enlightening. @@
I’m trying to wrap my head around letting parents sell property to pay for my wedding. Call me crazy but I would have asked for that part of the property instead, as a wedding gift, and eloped.
Eh I don’t think you understand what being a nanny for a rich person is like. This isn’t providing daycare for a middle class working mom. Its 24/7. This mom will have zero time with the baby except when she’s lording over you telling what to do and how wrong you’re doing it. Sometimes the nanny is also expected to be…
Well it appears you still have not grasped the fact that freedom of speech is supposed to prevent the state/government from infringing on your speech, that doesn’t protect one from the consequences of that speech in the general public.
My son (4 combat deployments) fully supports kneeling, so, yeah, there isn’t really a consensus on this one no matter how much the outrage machine tries to play it that way.
It does sound like the mother just decided to skate on repaying the loans.
I am the youngest of 4, my sisters and I got to college and had no income from our parents, they paid for nothing at all. I thought this would be the norm. Until the conversations started between myself and classmates and literally 99% of them were astounded that my family wasn’t contributing at all. It was shocking…
Rent: I don’t pay rent because I sleep on my cousin’s couch. Lucky Ms. Marketing’s parents pays her $2,100 rent.
My God. Give these White women back their opiods. Hell, put it in their lattes and brewed teas. They are cutting the eff up without it.
We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.
I bet if she were “acting up” they would have diverted the plan with no problem. AA needs to get the shit sued out of them.
It’s helpful because many people don’t realize that white people get really indignant over the smallest of things, especially when it comes to black people and it’s important to point out that white people get really indignant over the smallest of things, especially when it comes to black people because if people…
Crispy chicken skin is the best. Why do you want us to eat soft gummy pale chicken skin? That’s sad Michael.